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These free courses and events are being part-funded by the European Social Fund, part of the European Structural and Investment Fund 2014-2020 Programme in England, and being delivered through the Widening Participation through Skills Project, project number 05S16P00538.

Political participation in my community

The study of politics is about learning academic theory, but also about conducting research in our communities in order to both put theory into practice. This helps us to learn new things about the world around us, and make contributions to the body of existing knowledge.

In this module, you will take your learning around political participation and research methods, and apply it to a research project in your community to consider how to improve participation in your area. This might be about formal politics – such as in Parish/ Town/Local Authority government and elections, or you might instead look at informal participation such as volunteering in community organisations designed to bring about positive change in the localities within which they operate.

Book your place

To register or find out more about any of the above courses or higher education information events please contact:

Bring your passport

Thinking of attending one of our free tasters or courses? Please make sure you bring your passport with you. We need to see a valid, in-date passport or another form of original ID from this list: a birth certificate, a National Insurance card or certificate, a letter from HMRC with your NI number on it.