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The University's approach to the Prevent duty

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 obligates higher education institutions under the Prevent duty to have "due regard to the need to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism". Compliance is monitored by the Office for Students (OfS).

Government guidance from the Office for Students (OfS) requires us to have specific policies in place. It is also makes clear that the approach should be reasonable and proportionate in the context of the assessment of risk within the local environment. 

Our approach is primarily one of safeguarding the welfare our students and staff. We will also ensure that the duty is balanced against our fundamental commitment to academic freedom and freedom of speech and other key legislation such as the Equality Act and the Human Rights Act. Free and open debate of often controversial subjects is a key element of University life, and we will always seek to allow events to go ahead providing that they are within the law.

An annual event is held on campus, providing students and staff with the opportunity to learn more about and discuss the duty. Notes of these sessions are published here:

notes of Prevent event 6 October 2017

Safeguarding, Prevent Duty and External Partnerships, 31 October 2018

If you have any questions with regard to these pages or any aspect of the Prevent duty, please contact