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CCNER workshop in Studying Electoral Competition: Methodological Challenges in Cross-National Research

A workshop organised by the ESRC funded Comparative Cross-National Electoral Research project.

This workshop is directed towards postgraduate students and younger scholars who conduct cross-national research in the area of electoral studies and comparative party politics, with a particular focus on electoral competitiveness and its impact on public confidence, media coverage, political attitudes, and voter turnout.

Event details

This workshop will be held on the first day of the 2013 annual conference of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP).  The conference will be held at Lancaster University in the UK from the 13 - 15 September 2013.  The workshop structure is as follows: In the first session, participants would attend presentations on core methodological issues by Professor Paul Kellstedt (Texas A&M) and Professor Susan Banducci (Exeter). In the second session, participants will have the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback from Kelldstedt and Banducci in the area of comparative politics.


Lancaster University, UK