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The role of the self and psychological flexibility for young adults’ depression

Mood Disorders Centre Think Tank Seminar Series

Our guest speaker is Husna Hassan Basri from the University of Exeter

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In my current PhD study plan, I am interested to examine the potential protective factors that can reduce depressive symptoms in young people. Depression is a debilitating condition that is increasingly common among young people and often precedes the disorder in young adults. There is emerging evidence that cultivating mindfulness and compassion can have mental health benefits for young people but less is known about the mechanisms via which young people increase wellbeing and reduce depression after interventions. Theorised mechanisms suggest that interventions help individuals in recognising and adapting to emotional pain in more adaptive ways because individuals develop a more positive self-evaluation that allows them to be kind to themselves even in times of adversity and which may lead to overall increased levels of psychological flexibility. The role of psychological flexibility in young people’s depression and its association with self-evaluation and self-compassion is less well understood. The aim of the study is therefore to investigate the role of psychological flexibility, self-evaluation (positive and negative) and self-compassion in explaining depression in young adults. In Study 1, I will investigate the relationship of these construct and hypothesised that psychological flexibility as a mediator between self-constructs and depressive symptoms. In Study 2, I will be exploring the use of an experimental approach to complement established ways to assess psychological flexibility. Study 3, using secondary data of randomised control trial project, I will investigate the role of these factors in individuals with depression who have undergone mindfulness therapy in adolescents and carer (MAC) treatment. The proposed studies aim to understand potential mechanisms for young people’s depression to contribute to the development of prevention or intervention programmes.