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Keep Calm and Enjoy Polska!

Are you polish and working at the Univeristy?? Then this could be for you!

Do you work at the University but do not know many Polish people working here? Want to meet and have a conversation in your mother tongue? Join us on 28 August 2014 at 17:30 in Rusty Bike!Contact Sabina Szydlo at to confirm your attendance or to find out more.

Event details

Pracujesz na uniwersytecie, ale nie znasz wielu Polakow?
Chcesz się spotkac i porozmawiac po polsku?
Dołacz sie do nas 28 sierpnia 2014  o 17:30 w Rusty Bike!
Wyslij maila do Sabiny Szydlo aby potwierdzeic obecnosc
lub  dowiedziec sie wiecej.