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Ian Bateman, Amy Binner, Brett Day and Carlo FezziI: Bringing the Natural Environment into Analysis and Policy Making

The UK Government recently announced that it will be “building on the work done by the Natural Capital Committee” to formulate a 25 year plan for the natural environment “which benefits people and the economy”. Our new colleagues, some of whom are Natural Capital Committee members/contributors, will showcase various of the methods they developed and applications they conducted for the Committee.

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These attempt to address a number of the crucial challenges associated with analysis of decisions regarding the natural environment, including: A) What are the effects (and knock-on effects) of environmental change? B) Who gains, who loses? C) Can we value changes in the environment? D) Can we incorporate variation across locations? Etc. The “New Institute” group has, not surprisingly, focussed upon economic approaches to these challenges, but are very keen to collaborate with colleagues in the Department in order to close the gap between analysis and policy action.


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