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Exeter Neuroscience Seminar Series 2016/17 – Session 2

Event details


Asami Oguro-Ando
Title: “Translational research: CNTN4, a risk gene for autism spectrum disorders, affects hippocampal functions”

​Bio: Asami is studying of the molecules, cells and circuits that underlie Autism Spectrum Disorders with rodents and Cell culture models, particular focus on which gene contributes on what type of the behaviour/brain abnormalities. Her approach is a translational research of Autism from generating model mice to investigating molecular mechanisms.

Hannah Smithers
Title: Gender differences in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis: an electrophysiological characterisation.

Bio: Hannah did her undergraduate in pharmacology at University College Dublin. She then did an MRes in biomedical studies specialising in neuroscience at the university of Glasgow. She is in the final year of her PhD here at university of Exeter where she works on electrophysiological characterisation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis under the supervision of Professor Andrew Randall.

Anke Karl, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, CLES, University of Exeter
Title: tbc

Refreshments will be provided after the talks.

RSVP to Ellie Pickering ( by 14 November 2016.