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On the Emerging Sites and Synergies of Experimental Science and Law

Supported by Bridging the Gaps

Event details




In addressing the emerging synergies between experimental science and law this workshop asks:

What might it mean to experiment 'outside' of the 'lab' and at the edges of law? 

How are the spatialities and the material and affective natures of the boundaries between life, lab and law changing? 

What are the implications for both the life sciences and law of the continual reconfiguring of life and of the convergence of engineering and biology?

How does the reconfiguring of life impact upon our understandings of law, property and scientific experimentation?

To what extent can we think of law itself as a site and tool of experimentation?


09:30 Introduction - Katie Ledingham (Geography, University of Exeter)


09:45 The Growing Cultures of Biohacking and Bioarts – Brian Degger (Interdisciplinary Biologist and Artist, Newcastle MakerSpace)

10:45 Designer Biofuels, Designer Biology – Thomas Howard (Biosciences, University of Exeter)

11:15 Coffee

 11:30 Experimenting on the Brain: Using the tools of neuroscience to investigate social science questions - Darren Schreiber (Politics, University of Exeter)


11:40 Experimental Experimentation: On the Spatial and Legal Constraints of Biological Research in the Domestic Sphere - Jaden Hastings (Interdisciplinary Scientist, London Hackspace)

12:40 Making Space for Law and Science Fiction – Mitch Travis (Law, University of Exeter)

13:10 Lunch

13:55 Exeter iGEM Showcase


14:15 Responsibility and Accountability for Novelty – Professor Robert Lee (Law, University of Exeter)

14:45 Notes on Time and Responsibility - Astrid Schrader (Sociology, University of Exeter)

15:15 Future Directions/Closing Remarks – Katie Ledingham, Brian Degger and Jaden Hastings


To reserve your place at the workshop, please contact Lois Spence: .

For further information about BTG, please visit our website.


Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies