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Globalisation and Uncertainty

Event details

The workshop is funded by the 'Global Uncertainties' Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) strategy key theme of the University of Exeter. The workshop will bring together academics from the disciplines of economics, history and economic history to reflect on what insights we can gain into globalisation's present by reflecting on its past.

The workshop will address globalisation in its contemporary form, and the immediate challenges to globalisation, by bringing together both current and historical perspectives. While the scope of the workshop is broad, particular emphasis will be given to addressing the current nature and challenges to globalisation tied with the themes of instability, volatility and uncertainty.
By bridging the perspectives between recent events in the world economy and the lessons from history, the aim of the workshop is to explore several key topics that will include, but not necessarily limited to:

  • The growth, demise and changing forms of globalisation.
  • Financial market integration; contagion.
  • Resource insecurity past and present.
  • The role of empires in the context of globalisation.
  • The "darker side" of globalisation, including the uneven distribution of its benefits.
  • 'Rising powers', then and now.
  • Migration and networks in the spread and impact of globalisation.
  • Technology and the infrastructural underpinnings of globalisation.
  • Policy responses, ranging from national trade policy to the role of international institutions.

For more information, please see the Business School website.