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EUC: Visit to the Met Office

An opportunity to join the Exeter University Club for a visit to the Met Office, Exeter.

Event details

Arrangements: Meet inside the main entrance at 12 o’clock. Our tour group will be limited to 10 persons. Parking is available on site, or at the nearby Park and Ride. When booking, you will be asked to provide details of your nationality and also your car number plate (if you plan to park at the Met Office). On arrival you will be required to show a photo ID. Please note that no photography is allowed anywhere in the Met Office building.

To book: Please contact Peter Wingfield-Digby (01392 424781 or by 1 February.

The Exeter University Club
The EUC is a friendly club for alumni, graduates and retired staff of Exeter University and their families. As well as those who have studied or worked on the Streatham Campus, this also includes St Luke’s and the Tremough Campus, the former Camborne School of Mines, the Medical School and the (pre 1955) University College of the South West of England.


Met Office, Fitzroy Road, Exeter