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WCCEH Event: An alternative to diagnosis?

Conversation and debate about mental health diagnosis

This event will explore the role and nature of diagnosis in mental health and critically consider an alternative model to conventional diagnosis: The Power Threat Meaning Framework.

Event details

This event will explore the role and nature of diagnosis in mental health and critically consider an alternative model to conventional diagnosis: The Power Threat Meaning Framework.

The Framework looks at how we make sense of life’s difficult experiences and how messages from wider society can increase our feelings of shame, self-blame, isolation, fear and guilt. The framework aims to offer constructive alternatives in the areas of service design and commissioning, professional training, research, service user involvement, peer support and public information.

The aim of the evening is to generate conversation and debate, so the format will be highly interactive, based on provocations and discussions with people with different experiences and questions about mental health, including clinicians, people with lived experience and researchers.


Digital Humanities Laboratory