Campus Services Emergency Planning and Response Team

Chief Operating Officer Award

Campus Services Emergency Planning and Response Team

Last autumn, the UK had been experiencing one of the wettest on record, with the South West hit particularly hard. There was considerable localised disruption and the key concern was whether the River Exe would be able to withstand this barrage of weather. If the river was to break its defences the subsequent flooding could affect circa 12,000 residents. It could result in a loss of power and gas plus rail communications, sewerage works and other essential services could also be lost.

Geoff Pringle, Deputy COO and Director of Campus Services, received a call at 6pm on Friday 21 December from the Exeter City Council Emergency Planning Officer and the Campus Services Emergency Planning and Response Team were immediately called into action, even when most of them had already left for their Christmas break. By 7pm a plan was developed that involved bringing mothballed residences back into use, mobilising catering staff, reprogramming heating and ensuring rotas were in place. By 9pm that evening, the University was fully prepared to received flood victims.

Thankfully, at midday on Christmas Eve, the University was stood down however the incredible fast response of this team meant that we were fully prepared to support the City and County if the worst had happened.