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Guidance for Clinical Academic job plan review

What is the job plan?

The job plan should identify commitments to both organisations and agree objectives for the coming year. From the employers perspective it should arrive at a plan of work that makes clear their joint expectations of the consultant.

Who holds a job plan review?

The single integrated job plan is usually agreed between and reviewed between the clinical academic consultant, their university manager and their clinical manager in a joint process; this is in line with the appraisal process. However, in certain cases by agreement, the employers may be represented by one person acting in a dual capacity.

When to hold a job plan

The job plan should be completed to cover a 12-month period from the anniversary date of the clinical academics transfer to the terms of the new Consultant contract. The job plan meeting/process as per the procedures should be carried out each year, regardless of whether or not a pay progression is due. This document will be considered evidence to support future threshold progression when it becomes due.

Where possible the job planning discussion should take place immediately after the annual appraisal as much of the information can then be shared. As the personal development plan will have been agreed at the appraisal session, it can then inform the job planning discussion. This also avoids the same people having to meet twice.

Further information