Calendar 2019/20

Regulations Governing Academic Programmes

1 Faculty of Taught Programmes

1.26 Regulations Governing the Certificate in Advanced Study
1 Eligibility
  The following may apply for registration for the Certificate in Advanced Study
  (a) Graduates of the University of Exeter who been awarded an undergraduate degree classification of at least 2:1
  (b) Graduates of the other Universities or Higher Education Institutions approved by Senate who have been awarded an undergraduate degree classification of at least 2:1.

Additional professional qualifications may be required, subject to specific programme specifications.

2 Admission to Programme

With the approval of the Dean/ Associate Dean acting on behalf of the Board of the Faculty of Taught Programmes and the Senate, applicants who satisfy the entrance requirements shall be admitted to the programmes on the recommendation of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of College concerned.

3 Credit-rating of Programmes

All modules comprising an approved programme of study carry a specific credit value. All students for the Certificate must complete modules to the value of 20 credits. Successful candidates for the Certificate will complete 30 credits at level 7. The content of programmes must observe the University's approved conventions for levels and awards, as set out in the Levels and Awards Framework.

4 Assessment, Re-assessment and Classification of Awards

The assessment and re-assessment of candidates and the classification of awards shall be governed by the provisions set out in the University's approved postgraduate  degree assessment procedures and supplemented by programme-based assessment procedures.