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2018 Projects

2018 Projects

2018 Projects

2018 Projects

2018 Projects

2018 Projects

During Grand Challenges Week, students carry out a group project to address an aspect of their Challenge. As part of their project, students create one or more outputs such as a poster, a video, a social media campaign, a prototype or design for an app, a report, a project proposal or a ministerial submission. The projects that the students produced in 2018 are shown below.

Climate Change

Climate Heroes: An app that is a hero and villain based game, as a fun, engaging way to teach children about sustainability and climate change.

Earth Hero: An interactive app which serves as an educational game to inform children about their impact on the planet and how they can make responsible choices in relation to the environment.

Green is the New Black: Investment plan for allocating $100 billion to tackle climate change. Investment is in four key areas: renewable energy, business investments, reducing food waste and transport


GPSF: Creating a green community to be a place where research can be conducted into relevant renewable technology. Additionally, creating a global partnership for sustainable futures.

Asking the people of Exeter about their knowledge of climate change and debunking common misconceptions and myths.

A board game, to educate children on methods of geoengineering, to help combat climate change in a city environment

GeoCity: Raising awareness about what geoengineering is, and whether or not it's a viable option for the future

Fight the Flood: A board game to educate people about geoengineering, displaying the pros and cons in a fun and informative way

Sustain-label: An environmental impact labelling system for food products and ‘sustainable swaps’, stop motion video. The project combats the climate myth that 'one person can't make a difference' by promoting simple lifestyle changes.

Act: An inspirational spoken word short film attempting to debunk three climate change myths, supported by an academic poster and a digital presentation

Food for Thought

ExeFood: A Facebook group for people to share their unwanted food and prevent perfectly good food from going to waste. Students post their unwanted items in the group with a picture and details including time and place of pick up. 

Food Justice: Destigmatising the use of food banks, and mapping out where people can find help if they are in food poverty

Following Grand Challenges Week, Food Exeter have published the map on their website, showing people where they can find free or low cost food.

Eat Cheap, Eat Easy, Eat Green!: A campaign aimed at Fresher students; raising awareness about the health, environmental and ethical benefits of a more plant based diet, and giving students ideas of vegan substitutes for foods.

Stop Trumps: Raising awareness about the amount of sugar in food through a Top Trumps game and accompanying campaign

Research into the differences in the motivation of food choice between men and women

Future foods: Is food sustainability limited by social and cultural outlooks, or will people in developed states adapt to meet the demands of food shortages in a globalised world?

Should companies be doing more towards sustainable palm oil?

The positives and negatives of the future of genetically modified food

Lab-made meat: The future of meat and finding alternative protein sources

Nourish: Developing an app to make people aware of the global implications of their food choices

What can we learn from comparing the waste management policies of Europe and Asia?

Gender Inequality

Gender Memequality: An Instagram account aimed at boys and girls from 16-18 years old, with memes that challenge ideas about gender (in)equality with an educational purpose.

Gend-Huh?: A book format which is satirical in genre, and addresses the language of gender inequality by challenging gender labeling and accepted assumptions made about gender.

A campaign raising awareness of the unconscious bias found in language, particularly focused on adjectives used for self-description, and how revealing this bias can help us to create a language of equality.

Sex Sell$: Depicting the over-sexualisation of women in Hollywood by creating realistic parodies of movie clips. The clips are on the Instagram and Twitter pages. 

The Hollywood Illusion: Deconstructing the Hollywood image and raising awareness of the social pressures to adhere to a certain type of beauty

Dear Director: A video and a zine addressing the inequality of Hollywood and the problematic depiction of some characters

Addressing the university’s current and proposed transgender policy to create a more representative policy

Dismantling the issue of toxic masculinity and the way it hinders the strive for both male and female social liberation.

Recognise RED: A campaign to tackle sexual harassment at university via a poster, social media campaign, and a pitch to the guild to garner support.

Mental Health

Square One: A campaign that breaks down the barriers preventing students from getting involved in the plethora of organised physical activities on campus. Raising awareness of the benefits of physical activity beyond physical health, signposting students to sports activities taking place on campus, and organising additional beginner activities.

Exe-Cise: Highlighting different areas where exercise can be done around Exeter. Each location and video suggested gives examples of certain activities that get progressively harder in different locations.

WOW (Working out Wellbeing): Working with clubs/societies to develop a mental health support system and ensuring all clubs have a beginner programme for social inclusion. Will provide training for a rep in each society.

Words with Wanderers: A shared reading group between students and the homeless, to support the homeless in their mental health and emotional well-being.

The Fresh List: A reading list for Freshers to ease the transition into university

Raising awareness of local services specifically for LGBT+ community

Promoting wellbeing services that are available to rough sleepers

MENtal Health Heroes: Providing wellbeing support for young male students (years 9-11) through a mentoring scheme run in monthly PSHE sessions.

Online Wellbeing Hub: A new section of iExeter for wellbeing information to further raise awareness of services to students

Wider advertising of student wellbeing services through changes to the iExeter app, a promotional poster and an introductory lecture for new students

S.W.A.E: "Our team, S.W.A.E, Stay Well At Exeter, is working to improve the Wellbeing and mental health services for international students at The University of Exeter. We recognise that overcoming the language barrier and cultural differences between international and home students is a grand challenge, and we- as students can make a difference, so that all students can stay well at Exeter- locally and internationally."

Bridging the Gap: Connecting students more with wellbeing services, by using student wellbeing representatives to raise awareness of what support is available on campus.

Brace: A website signposting support for foster care parents

Kenny the Chameleon: An app designed to teach children and young teenagers about emotions, and encourage them to open up

Ocean Plastic

Refillables: Refillable drinks/food containers with a reward scheme and app for people to see what they have recycled

Plastic IQ: A campaign to raise awareness about single use plastic in everyday life

Green Ocean: An app game to encourage recycling on campus with rewards for achieving higher levels

A new traffic light system for single use plastic in food packaging as a visual aid for consumers, showing how the product affects plastic issues.

Infinity: A new system of product use, where the product is returned to the company that issued it

Rexecycle: An online campaign educating people about common misconceptions of what can be recycled. 


Plasticspropoly: The creation of a new charity, with the aim of helping existing businesses to meet goals of zero waste or plastic reduction

Crapp: An app showing recycling stations, giving ‘Ecopoints’ for recycling which can be spent in the local economy

Flow: An app to motivate and educate students about reusing and recycling