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Unfortunately the 2020 Spring Festival has been cancelled. Please visit the Falmouth Spring Festival website for full details.

Supporting Sport in Cornwall

Falmouth Spring Festival

Falmouth Spring Festival

Falmouth Spring Festival

Unfortunately the 2020 Spring Festival has been cancelled. Further details can be found on the Falmouth Spring Festival website.

The Falmouth Spring Festival is a fantastic event that we have sponsored for the last five years. It forms an important part of our annual community calendar and is an opportunity to celebrate the start of spring with the community we are proud to be part of.

Our students and staff love to participate in the town’s activities, especially the spring clean, which always generates a crowd of willing volunteers.

We are really proud to be supporting this annual event, providing both volunteers and, more recently, sponsorship. Falmouth Spring Festival has a strong community ethos and the University of Exeter is committed to working with and supporting the community of which we are part.

Ruth Grimmer, Head of Professional Services

Each year the festival brings an explosion of early colour, life and activity to the town. Paint the Town Yellow Day sees over 25,000 daffodils being given out to hundreds of businesses by schoolchildren and students of Falmouth, while over 100 volunteers will engage with the Spring Clean Days.

Unfortunately the 2020 Spring Festival has been cancelled. Further details can be found on the Falmouth Spring Festival website.

Falmouth Spring Festival activities:

  • Paint The Town Yellow Day
  • Falmouth Spring Clean Days
  • Rockpooling Session
  • Games & Fitness
  • Science in the Pub
  • Tour of Penryn Campus and Tremough House
  • Falmouth Spring Flower Show
  • A range of guided spring walks

I’m delighted to welcome the University of Exeter as our title sponsor. Having a world-class institute such as Exeter engaged with the festival is terrific news for the town. The Falmouth Spring Festival is a celebration of coast, culture and community and we look forward to staff, university societies and student ambassadors supporting a host of vibrant activities that are planned at numerous venues and locations across our special town.

Richard Wilcox, Falmouth BID Manager