
Following the creation of the Wellbeing, Inclusion and Culture Committee (WICC), a task and finish group was created in May 2022 to review and update the current University academic workload principles, with the aim of creating equity and transparency in academic workload planning across faculties and departments.  

The Academic Workload Planning Principles and Processes policydocument has been created to guide and support faculties with the creation of workload allocation models (WAMs). 

2024/25 Academic Year

For workload planning for the 2024/25 academic year, the following WAMs should be used. 

Faculty Policy
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ESE)

ESE Workload Allocation Policy 24-25 V1.1

UEBS Workload Allocation Model 24/25

Faculty of Health and Life and Sciences (HLS) HLS Academic Workload Policy 2024-25 V1
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) HASS Workload Policy 2024-25 V1

Further developments

Whilst the university has made progress to combine and reconcile the old college WAMs to establish the Faculty WAMs for 2024/25 (see above), these are an interim solution with further work planned to develop a simpler and more effective approach to workload modelling for 25/26 and beyond.

For the 23/24 academic year, previous college WAMs were used for workload planning.  

Faculty College Policy
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ESE)

CEMPS Workload Policy

CLES Workload Policy 2021-22

UEBS Workload Policy

Faculty of Health and Life and Sciences (HLS)

HLS PGR Workload allocation policy 23/24

CMH Workload Policy 19/20

CLES Workload Policy 2021-22

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS)

HUMS Workload Policy

SSIS Workload Planning Policy 2020/21