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Environmental Intelligence Research Network: EIEIO Seminar

The Environmental Intelligence @Exeter Research Network are pleased to invite you to the third EIEIO (Environmental intelligence/Exeter innovation Outreach) seminar of the year.

Event details


The presenters and titles will be confirmed in the new year.

These events are designed to spotlight the interdisciplinary research of colleagues across the university with a shared interest in EI and generate ideas for future collaborations. Focus will also be given to updates on developments and external partnerships and projects within the field of EI research.


This will be an IN-PERSON ONLY seminar with short 5 minute presentations taking place live in the Trevithick Room, ESI building, Penryn Campus and Seminar Room, CREWW building, Streatham Campus and live-streamed between the two venues. Enabling discussions and networking is a key focus of the seminar series and there will be ample time made available for this following the presentations. Coffee and cake will be available at both venues.

Spaces are limited, so please register to attend via this form.


EIEIO seminars will take place six weekly, across a range of groups and communities across the University and externally, so please do contact us if you would like to contribute to future events and please share this invitation with your colleagues and networks.

Please join the Environmental Intelligence Network to keep up to date with these and other events and upcoming activities.

Best wishes,

The EI @Exeter Research Network Team