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CMH Events 23rd January: Research seminar - Tracey Loughran Oral History and Women’s Bodies

Hosted by the Centre for Medical History

Event details

Please join us for events with Prof Tracey Loughran (University of Essex)

We are delighted that Tracey Loughran will spend two days sharing her work on the history of women’s bodies.

This includes a research seminar on the history of childlessness and reproductive loss, and a workshop on the ethics of working with oral history testimony. All are welcome to all events.


23rd January, 3.30-5.00 Laver LT6

Research Seminar: The ghost child at the end of the not taken: histories of what never was


24th January, 10.30-12.00: Queens MR2/3

Workshop: The afterlives of testimonies: exploring the ethics of working with oral history (and similar) material afte projects end.

To join online please follow the link below: 

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Tracey_Loughran_poster.pdf (418K)