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Our research is closely aligned with the stated goals of COP26 to secure net zero by the middle of the century and to adapt and protect those communities and natural habitats that are already suffering the catastrophic consequences of climate change. 

LEEP academics will be speaking at the following events:

Bringing climate, biodiversity and other ecosystem services into policy and economic decision making

3rd November 2021
Ian Bateman
Presented at ‘Biodiversity, nature-based solutions, oceans: Climate Neutrality and Biodiversity - renewables assets, reporting standards and sustainable finance,
European Union Pavilion, COP26, Glasgow

A natural capital approach to decision making for future woodlands

4th November 2021
Ian Bateman and Brett Day
Talk delivered from COP26 to Trees for the Future - Diversity and complexity for resilience and carbon storage, Association of Applied Biologists

When Science Meets Economics: The Right Tree in the Right Place for NetZeroPlus

6th November 2021
Ian Bateman and Richard Betts

The workshop brings together the natural and physical science, economics and social science necessary to move from single focus analyses to the multi-dimensional policy necessary to meet 21st Century challenges.

Delivering net zero requires that we change the way we use land. However, policy disasters from the past show us that focussing on a single issue, even an important one such as food production, can generate massive negative side-effects. Conversely, recognising these side-effects, which can also be positive, and bringing them into decision making can allow us to produce the evidence led policies essential for delivering both net zero and wider environmental and economic benefits. Land use change, such as planting trees for carbon storage, will also affect food production, biodiversity, water quality, flood risk, human engagement with the environment and multiple other benefits.