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CMH Book Club - Me and White Supremacy by Layla F Saad

The CMH is starting a Book Club "Let's Talk About Race"

With the aim of raising awareness about issues around racism, white privilege, white supremacy, unconscious bias, microaggressions and other pressing and urgent topics, the College of Medicine and Health is starting a Book Club, ‘Let’s talk about race’. The Book Club will be a safe and intellectual space for academics to come together and engage in difficult, uncomfortable and potentially awkward but much needed conversations about race so that we can become more educated and aware. Racism and privilege have been constructed by society, but we can come together to actively dismantle it with open conversations as a starting point. We will meet every 6-8 weeks and share our thoughts and understanding on topics that we agree on. The first session will start off with discussing White Privilege, White Fragility and Tone Policing from the book, ‘Me and White Supremacy’ by Layla F Saad.

Event details

The book by Layla F Saad is available in the Exeter Library as an e-book:


CMH_book_club.docxCMH Book Club flyer (43K)