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Emerging Theories Reading Group

Event details

The Emerging Theories Reading Group meets monthly to discuss a selected text, all of which aim to stimulate open and critical thinking and to encourage group members to explore ideas which go beyond our previous boundaries. The group includes a mix of staff and doctoral students, and is open to anyone from the Graduate School of Education who would like to take part in lively academic debates about a range of texts. The group is non-hierarchical, providing a safe space for robust discussions for those at any stage of their research career, and the opportunity to build connections with researchers within and beyond our existing communities.  If you would like to join the reading group please contact Jonathan Doney.


For our meeting on 2 November we will be discussing:

Democracy and Bildung/Erziehung—Towards a Universal Theory of Education

by Johannes Bellmann and Hanno Su

Education Sciences 2017, 7(1), 5;

Bellamn_2016_Democracy_Bildun_Erzihung_universaLL_THEORY_OF_EDUC_.pdfArticle Bellmann (727K)