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Music Network Group

Regular network meeting for staff and students (all welcome)

Event details

We are a group of researchers who have an interest in music in our research.  We meet 2-3 times per term, often to discuss a paper together, and to share ideas and questions from our research – we hope you can join us. 

Our next meeting is on Thursday 17 February at 2pm UK time, and we will be discussing a paper proposed by Sergio:  Lamela, I. (2021). Fugue for Four Voices: Building narratives through music behind bars. Musicae Scientiae, 25(3), 303–316.

Sergio’s introduction: this short paper that explores music teaching-learning experiences in a detention centre in Portugal. This is to expand our readings of music education and community music in diverse social contexts. Also, this could be useful to address some of the themes of the use of colonial music in prison contexts? But also to explore how ethical and decolonial practice could emerge from engaging with these materials. I hope you find this interesting or useful.