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CREATE Workshop Debate: Cultures of Encounter: How not to get steam rollered by the system and create a new one......

with Michael Fielding, Kerry Chappell and Nick Givens

This workshop will raise questions for debate about if and how it is possible to engender meaningful cultures of encounter that allow for democratic education within the educational system. It will begin with short provocations from Michael Fielding, Kerry Chappell and Nick Givens drawing on research and experience of democratic schooling cultures and methods, some more radical stand-alone models, some more focused on what might be referred to as quiet revolutions from the inside.

Event details

The workshop’s main focus will be debating key elements of these practices, and allowing participants to share their own thoughts and experiences, especially aiming to look at the sustainability of these kinds of practices.  This workshop debate follows on from discussions begun during Michael Fielding’s recent CREATE seminar.



Baring Court 112