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Careers and Cake drop in: The Charity Sector

Come and have a chat over tea and cake with two recent alumni about working in the charity sector.

Come and have a chat over tea and cake with two recent (2012) alumni about working in the charity sector. The alumni: 1) Grace Brownfield, BA Politics 2012 Public Affairs Assistant, NSPCC 2) Tom Reynolds I graduated with a BA in Politics in 2012. While at Exeter I was the RAG Chair and Politics Society Treasurer. I also worked at the RAM and the Lemmy. After graduation I went to work with the PSU - a legal rights charity representing people attending Family and Civil Courts without legal representation - to establish the charity's base in Birmingham. Following on from that I moved to the children's charity Barnardos, tasked with conducting an inquiry into how the charity across the country could work effectively with newly elected Police and Crime Commissioners. After leaving Barnardos, I took up the role of Parliamentary Researcher and Assistant to Andrew Griffiths MP in Westminster. In September last year I moved to the Medical Protection Society as Policy and Public Affairs Officer - an organisation representing, lobbying and defending almost 300,000 medical professionals around the world.

Event details


Amory B143