Clean Growth collaborations

We can help you innovate, grow your business, gain a new competitive edge or break into new markets. Whether you want to develop new products and services, find new ways of operating, reduce costs, improve efficiency or access the latest technologies, our world class research can help you find a solution.

Our professional staff will help ensure you get the best possible results for your project and provide a single point of contact to manage your relationship with the University throughout your work.

Shell - fourth-generation biofuels

Professor John Love and the Exeter Microbial Biofuels Group (EMBG) collaborated with Shell Research Centre to develop new, sustainable bio-hydrocarbons that will support Shell’s business into the future.

DEFRA - Natural Environment Valuation Tool

Developed by the Land, Environment, Economics and Policy (LEEP) Institute in collaboration with DEFRA and NERC. The Natural Environment Valuation Online tool (NEVO) quantifies and predicts land use across England and Wales. 

Rothamsted Research

Tractor Farming

Researchers at the University of Exeter work with Rothamsted Research on a variety of collaborative projects linking scientific research to farming practice.
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Centrica - Energy Policy Group

Solar Panels

Energy Policy Group researchers have partnered with major Energy supplier Centrica on a £19m programme to explore flexible, smart energy solutions for the UK. The Cornwall Local Energy Market (CLEM) is a pioneering trial that will test the use of flexible demand, generation and storage across both the domestic and business sectors.
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Centre for Doctoral Training in Offshore Renewable Energy

IDCORE is an EPSRC funded doctoral training centre formed by University of Exeter and partners The University of Edinburgh, Strathclyde University, and the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS). IDCORE's aims are to train fifty world-class research engineers in the field of offshore wind, wave and tidal stream technologies.
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Marine-i, a collaboration between South West partners supports businesses wishing to access the £3.18m Marine Challenge Fund – a dedicated grant scheme that has been specifically designed to drive marine sector research, development and innovation.
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Met Office

The University of Exeter is one of only four universities to have a formal Academic Partnership with the Met Office. Our extensive engagement includes eight joint posts, including six Joint Chairs. The partnership has resulted in over 200 collaborative research projects exceeding £14million in value, including the European funded Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab.
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Chartered Institution for Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) 

We have partnered with CIWEM to develop a Circular Economy Masterclass designed to enable professionals in the water sector to understand, implement and derive organisational value from the circular economy principles. 
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Riverford Organics – Centre for Energy and the Environment

Organic food company Riverford Organics Limited has partnered with the Centre for Energy and the Environment to establish its carbon footprint and research ways in which its carbon emissions can be reduced.
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