Office hours
Term 2 regular office hours are:
Tuesdays: 2.30-3.30pm (Amory c422 / online)
Thursdays 10.00-11.00am (Amory c422 / online)
Please note: I work from home 1-2 days a week, please book office hours in advance so that I can share the room or online booking details: Book time with Hamilton, Jo: Office hours
Exceptions to these times will be shown below.
Tues 28th Jan: no office hours, rescheduled to Weds 29th Jan 1-2pm online . Email me to book a slot.
Dr Jo Hamilton
Lecturer - Environment and Sustainability
Human Geography
University of Exeter
Amory Building
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ
My research focuses on climate change engagement and energy transitions, the role of civil society organisations in energy transitions, and psycho-social and emotional dimensions of energy and climate justice.
I combine lecturing with postdoctoral positions, currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Impact Fellow with the ACCESS (Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environmental Science) project. My recent research has focused on justice and engagement aspects of industrial decarbonisation through the Net Zero Sense of Place and Delivering a place-based just transition in industrial clusters projects.
Broad research specialisms:
- Public engagement with climate change and energy transitions
- Community-scale approaches to sustainability and energy
- Emotional and psycho-social aspects of climate and energy justice
- Qualitative research methods