Office hours
24-25: Term 2
Mondays 2-3pm
Fridays 10-11am
Booking essential, book here: Book time with Hastie, Helena: Office hours
Helena Hastie
Associate Lecturer - Environment and Sustainability
Human Geography
University of Exeter
Amory Building
Rennes Drive
Exeter EX4 4RJ
About me:
Helena is researching access to electricity in the Kingdom of Eswatini, Southern Africa, looking at the generation of renewal energy, grid extension to rural households and the affordability of energy options. A specific area of interest is how development can be re-imagined to better represent the aspirations of those it seeks to help.
She holds a PhD in Human Geography, a Masters degree in International Development focusing on community-led development in rural Zambia, and a Masters degree in the Public Understanding of Environmental Change bringing this multi-disciplinary approach to her current research.
Helena has gained practical experience working in the development sector and as a trustee of an international development NGO, the Baha'i Agency for Social and Economic Development (BASED-UK). She is a committee member of the Energy Geographies Research Group of the RGS.
Broad Research Specialisms
Southern Africa, renewable energy, international development, sustainable development, the SDG’s.
- Sustainable development
- Southern Africa
- Renewable energy
- Critiques of development theory
MSc International Development (University of Birmingham)
MSc Public Understanding of Environmental Change (University College London)
BSc History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (University College London)