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Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Network Analysis

Network analysis is a set of integrated techniques to depict relations among actors and to analyze the social structures that emerge from the recurrence of these relations. A.M. Chiesi, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001.

If you're looking for a data scientist to work with on a research project or someone to discuss potential methodologies with for a research problem, then you search for the topic you need or alternatively use the A-Z button to search the full list of data scientists.

Name  Expertise 
Federico Botta Machine Learning, Network Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Statistical Modelling, Social Media, Data Science for Public Policy, Spatial Data Science
Chico Camargo

Machine learning, Natural language processing, Time series analysis, Network analysis, Software engineering, Signal processing

Tristan Cann

Network Analysis, Computational Social Science, Natural Language Processing and Communications

Riccardo Di Clemente Human Mobility, Computational Social Science, Network Theory, Physical modelling, Network analysis, Statistical modelling
Diogo Pacheco  
Krasimira Tsaneva Physical Modelling, Network Analysis, Statistical Modelling, Emulation/Uncertainty Quantification, Time Series Analysis. Experience with applications to Biology, Medicine and Healthcare
Hywel Williams Computational social science, Network analysis, Communications