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Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP)

Recent journal articles and chapters

Journal articles

Drupp MA, Hänsel MC, Fenichel EP, Freeman M, Gollier C, Groom B, Heal GM, Howard PH, Millner A, Moore FC, et al (2024). Accounting for the increasing benefits from scarce ecosystems. Science, 383(6687), 1062-1064.  Abstract.  Author URL. DOI.
Deopa N, Rinaldo D (2024). Quickest Detection of Ecological Regimes for Natural Resource Management. Environmental and Resource Economics, 87(5), 1327-1366.  Abstract. DOI.
Delafield G, Smith GS, Day B, Holland RA, Donnison C, Hastings A, Taylor G, Owen N, Lovett A (2024). Spatial context matters: Assessing how future renewable energy pathways will impact nature and society. Renewable Energy, 220 DOI.
Delacote P, L’Horty T, Kontoleon A, West TAP, Creti A, Filewod B, LeVelly G, Guizar-Coutiño A, Groom B, Elias M, et al (2024). Strong transparency required for carbon credit mechanisms. Nature Sustainability DOI.
Tedersoo L, Sepping J, Morgunov AS, Kiik M, Esop K, Rosenvald R, Hardwick K, Breman E, Purdon R, Groom B, et al (2024). Towards a co-crediting system for carbon and biodiversity. PLANTS PEOPLE PLANET, 6(1), 18-28. Author URL. DOI.
Faccioli M, Tingley DM, Mancini MC, Bateman IJ (2024). Who should benefit from environmental policies? Social preferences and nonmarket values for the distribution of environmental improvements. American Journal of Agricultural Economics DOI.
Bateman IJ, Anderson K, Argles A, Belcher C, Betts RA, Binner A, Brazier RE, Cho FHT, Collins RM, Day BH, et al (2023). A review of planting principles to identify the right place for the right tree for ‘net zero plus’ woodlands: Applying a place-based natural capital framework for sustainable, efficient and equitable (SEE) decisions. People and Nature, 5(2), 271-301.  Abstract. DOI.
Arcand J-L, Kumar SH, Hongler M-O, Rinaldo D (2023). Can one hear the shape of a target zone?. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 107, 102852-102852. DOI.
Delafield G, Smith GS, Day B, Holland R, Lovett A (2023). Correction to: the Financial and Environmental Consequences of Renewable Energy Exclusion Zones. Environmental and Resource Economics, 87(2), 399-400. DOI.
Balmford A, Brancalion PHS, Coomes D, Filewod B, Groom B, Guizar-Coutiño A, Jones JPG, Keshav S, Kontoleon A, Madhavapeddy A, et al (2023). Credit credibility threatens forests. Science, 380(6644), 466-467. Author URL. DOI.
Bateman I, Balmford A (2023). Current conservation policies risk accelerating biodiversity loss. Nature, 618(7966), 671-674. DOI.
Faccioli M, Zonneveld S, Tyler CR, Day B (2023). Does local Natural Capital Accounting deliver useful policy and management information? a case study of Dartmoor and Exmoor National Parks. J Environ Manage, 327  Abstract.  Author URL. DOI.
Argles APK, Robertson E, Harper AB, Morison JIL, Xenakis G, Hastings A, Mccalmont J, Moore JR, Bateman IJ, Gannon K, et al (2023). Modelling the impact of forest management and CO2-fertilisation on growth and demography in a Sitka spruce plantation. Sci Rep, 13(1)  Abstract.  Author URL. DOI.
Bateman IJ, Keeler B, Olmstead SM, Whitehead J (2023). Perspectives on valuing water quality improvements using stated preference methods. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 120(18)  Abstract.  Author URL. DOI.
Nesje F, Drupp MA, Freeman MC, Groom B (2023). Philosophers and economists agree on climate policy paths but for different reasons. Nature Climate Change, 13(6), 515-522.  Abstract. DOI.
Groom B, Nesje F (2023). Philosophers reinforce economists’ support for climate change mitigation. Nature Climate Change, 13(6), 513-514. DOI.
Brouwer R, Powe N, Turner RK, Bateman IJ, Langford IH (2023). Public Attitudes to Contingent Valuation and Public Consultation1. Environmental Values, 8(3), 325-347. DOI.
Groom B (2023). Realising the social value of impermanent carbon credits. Nature Climate Change  Abstract. DOI.
Balmford A, Keshav S, Venmans F, Coomes D, Groom B, Madhavapeddy A, Swinfield T (2023). Realizing the social value of impermanent carbon credits. Nature Climate Change, 13(11), 1172-1178.  Abstract. DOI.
Delafield G, Smith GS, Day B, Holland R, Lovett A (2023). The Financial and Environmental Consequences of Renewable Energy Exclusion Zones. Environmental and Resource Economics, 87(2), 369-398.  Abstract. DOI.
Groom B (2023). The Social Value of Offsets. Nature DOI.
Knoke T, Hanley N, Roman-Cuesta RM, Groom B, Venmans F, Paul C (2023). Trends in tropical forest loss and the social value of emission reductions. Nature Sustainability, 6(11), 1373-1384.  Abstract. DOI.
Howard PH, Sarinsky M, Bauer M, Cecot C, Cropper M, Drupp M, Freeman M, Gillingham KT, Gollier C, Groom B, et al (2023). US benefit-cost analysis requires revision. Science, 380(6647) Author URL. DOI.
Groom B, Palmer C, Sileci L (2022). Carbon emissions reductions from Indonesia’s moratorium on forest concessions are cost-effective yet contribute little to Paris pledges. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(5)  Abstract. DOI.
Faccioli M, Law C, Caine C, Berger N, Yan X, Weninger F, Guell C, Day B, Smith R, Bateman I, et al (2022). Combined carbon and health taxes outperform single-purpose information or fiscal measures in designing sustainable food policies. Nature Food, 3, 331-340.  Abstract. DOI.
Law C, Berger N, Faccioli M, Caine C, Bateman I, Smith R (2022). Improving nutrition through carbon reduction policies: an online randomized experiment. European Journal of Public Health, 32(Supplement_3) DOI.
Deopa N, Fortunato P (2022). Language and the cultural markers of COVID-19. Soc Sci Med, 301  Abstract.  Author URL. DOI.
Roulston M, Kaplan T, Day B, Kaivanto K (2022). Prediction-market innovations can improve climate-risk forecasts. NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 12(10), 879-880. Author URL. DOI.
Groom B, Drupp MA, Freeman MC, Nesje F (2022). The Future, Now: a Review of Social Discounting. ANNUAL REVIEW OF RESOURCE ECONOMICS, 14, 467-491. Author URL. DOI.
Addicott ET, Fenichel EP, Bradford MA, Pinsky ML, Wood SA (2022). Toward an improved understanding of causation in the ecological sciences. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20(8), 474-480.  Abstract. DOI.


Kim N, Wongsa-art P, Bateman IJ (2023). A New Model for Agricultural Land-Use Modeling and Prediction in England Using Spatially High-Resolution Data. In  (Ed) Essays in Honor of Joon Y. Park: Econometric Methodology in Empirical Applications, Emerald, 291-317. DOI.
Fenichel EP, Milligan B, Porras I, Addicott E, Arnasson R, Bordt M, Djavidnia S, Dvasrskas A, Goldman E, Grimsrud K, et al (2023). National Accounting for the Ocean and Ocean Economy. In Lubchenco J, Haugan PM (Eds.) The Blue Compendium from Knowledge to Action for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Springer Nature, 279-307.  Abstract.