International secondments

There are a number of additional considerations for overseas secondments. Please consult with your Human Resources Business Partner/Manager and the Health and Safety team if you have any queries. Below are some points to bear in mind.


  • UK Border Agency (UKBA)
    If the secondee is a non-EU citizen and is in receipt of a Certificate of Sponsorship, there may be restrictions on which countries an individual can travel to, work in and the duration of any overseas visits. Their leave to remain in the UK may be affected by their secondment. This relates not only to the secondee themselves, but also any colleagues who are moving as part of the secondment (eg postdoctoral students). Staff who hold a visa should check any UK Border and Immigration restrictions or regulations relating to extended overseas travel with their Human Resources Business Partner.
  • Health and safety risk assessment
    All secondments must be risk assessed according to the University’s guidelines. Who will have overall responsibility for the secondee’s health and safety during the secondment?
  • Contact details
    Do you know where your employee is going to be based? How and how often have you agreed to make contact with them throughout the secondment? Who will retain responsibility for the secondee’s performance during the secondment?
  • Insurance
    Does the secondee have sufficient personal/professional insurance to cover them during their secondment?