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Report confidentially

If you feel that you have witnessed or been subject to any form of harrassment, bullying, intimidation or discrimination we encourage you to report it and to seek the help or advice you may need.

What you have experienced may be hate crime which should be reported to the police. You can read more about hate crimes here.

We have produced Student Pathway and Staff Pathways flowcharts about the complaints process.

We would encourage you report any incidents – no matter how small you might think these are. You might be interested to know that a microaggresion is a small act or remark that makes someone feel insulted or treated badly on the basis of a personal characteristic, even though the insult may not have been intended. These can combine with other similar acts or remarks over time to cause emotional harm.

We want to know about all incidents on our campuses.

There are three ways to report an incident:

Use the informal reporting form to tell us about an incident in confidence.

A member of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team will contact you to begin a conversation about what you would like to do next, and how we can support you.

There are official procedures for making a formal complaint.

You will need to submit information about what has happened and who was involved, and there may be an investigation as appropriate.

We will not be able to act on the information or respond to you in person. 

The University will use the information you provide to inform our understanding of incidents within our community.

Exceptional cases

In exceptional cases, where the University becomes aware of concerns of very serious bullying or harassment, the University may investigate the situation in accordance with its duty of care to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all staff and/or students who may be affected by the alleged behaviour, even if an individual decides not to make a formal complaint. Where there is found to be evidence of bullying and harassment then this could result in action being taken under the HR Disciplinary procedure or the Student Disciplinary procedure as appropriate.