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Student Illness

The University has a Student Illness Procedure to support you if you experience health problems during your studies. This document identifies instances in which illness may affect your studies and describes the appropriate procedures for you to follow.

It describes what action to take if:

  • you have suffered a protracted illness which has significantly affected your ability to work, even if absence has been occasional or intermittent;
  • you have been absent from your programme of study due to ill health
  • your performance in an assessment or examination has been affected by ill health
  • you have been absent from an assessment or examination due to serious ill health
  • you have missed a submission deadline due to serious ill health.

Mitigation Procedure

If you believe that your performance has been affected by serious illness or other exceptional personal circumstances you should contact your College Office to apply for mitigation.

Your circumstances will be considered by the College's Mitigation Committee who will decide whether your performance or studies have been affected and may then make recommendations to the Board of Examiners.

Your College Office will be able to give you more information about applying for consideration of your mitigating circumstances.

Click here for details of the procedures for Mitigation Committees.