Summer School Scholarship Fund
The Summer School Scholarship Fund is available to students who have not studied abroad previously, or who will not study abroad as part of their degree at Exeter. We have identified a list of Summer schools to consider, offered by some of the world's top universities, but eligibility is not confined to students participating in these summer schools.
How much?
Summer School scholarships of £200 per week of the programme for up to 2 weeks are available to eligible students. These scholarships are intended to be a contribution towards costs only. You will be expected to provide the balance, so it will be essential to budget carefully for programme fees, flights or other travel to the programme, visas and a comprehensive health and travel insurance policy.
Please note that the funding available is limited and cannot be guaranteed. Those in receipt of an award will be required to write a short report for the Outbound team upon their return. If the report is not returned to the Study Abroad team, you will be required to return your scholarship in full.
- Evidence that the summer school is likely to enhance your university experience
- Your participation is supported by your course leader/personal tutor
- You are of good academic standing with a grade average of 2:2 or above
- You have not previously been on a Study Abroad experience. Please note, if you degree programme is going to include a study/work abroad mobility, you will not be able to receive funding for it if you have already been funded by a Summer School/Short programme grant.
The Global Opportunities team will check all applications for eligibility.
To apply for the scholarship you must hold an offer of a place on your chosen overseas summer school. If you wish to submit an application you can do so here.
For further information please contact
Santander Summer Schools and Short Programme Fund
The Santander fund is a competitive grant for students from a Widening Participation background who are taking part in short-term international study or volunteering. The grant is for £1,000 and priority will be given to students who haven't undertaken a study/work abroad year. The application is now open and you can find it here.
Please note:
Summer School Scholarships are open to UK and international students, undergraduate and postgraduate, of the University of Exeter, with the exception of:
- undergraduates in their final year of study, where the intended period of summer school study takes place after the end of Summer Term;
- international students applying for a summer school in their home country;
- students who have previously studied abroad, or who will study abroad as part of their degree programme at the University of Exeter.
- Students on summer schools are required to take out their own fully comprehensive travel and medical insurance. The University Insurance Office can advise.
- Summer School Scholarships are available only for summer school programmes of a minimum of two weeks' duration and maximum of six weeks' duration.
- Summer School Scholarships are available to students who are also receiving a tuition fee waiver.