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Study information

Writing Matters

Module titleWriting Matters
Module codeEFPM012Z5
Academic year2023/4
Module staff

Dr Ruth Newman (Lecturer)

Dr Clare Dowdall (Lecturer)

Duration: Term123
Duration: Weeks


Number students taking module (anticipated)


Module description

Writing matters! On a personal level, students who can write confidently can express their deepest feelings, communicate their own ideas and emotions with passion and feeling, and argue for the things that matter deeply to them.  At the same time, being a successful writer is educationally critical: writing remains the dominant form of educational assessment, and is a key tool for learning and thinking.  Yet in many international educational jurisdictions, students’ progress in writing lags behind their achievement in reading.  This module draws on inter-disciplinary understandings of writing as a cognitive process, as a social practice, and as linguistic mastery to develop your understanding of writing, being a writer, and teaching writing.

Module aims - intentions of the module

The principal aim of this module is to enable you to develop a stronger theoretical understanding of writing and the teaching of writing which will have a direct impact on your own professional practices and on your own understanding of being a writer.

Specifically, the module aims to address the following questions:

  • What do we know about the writing process and how we write?
  • Can you make connections between theoretical models of the writing process and your own experiences?
  • Can you articulate an effective pedagogy for writing?
  • What is your own sense of ‘being a writer’ or being a ‘teacher as writer’
  • Is there a role for grammar in the teaching of writing?
  • What is the relationship between talk and writing?

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

ILO: Module-specific skills

On successfully completing the module you will be able to...

  • 1. demonstrate a critical understanding of theoretical models of the writing process
  • 2. critically evaluate different disciplinary perspectives of writing and the teaching of writing
  • 3. demonstrate a critical understanding of the craft of writing and what it means to ‘be a writer’

ILO: Discipline-specific skills

On successfully completing the module you will be able to...

  • 4. consider and critically reflect on ideas concerning the relationship between educational theory, research, policy and practice
  • 5. critically reflect upon and evaluate your own understanding of current issues and debates in education and those of others

ILO: Personal and key skills

On successfully completing the module you will be able to...

  • 6. synthesise and organise ideas to present an argument
  • 7. present ideas and engage in critical reflective debate
  • 8. undertake both directed and independent study to recognise, justify and analyse key ideas in the literature and relate these to research, theory, policy and practice

Syllabus plan

Whilst the module’s precise content may vary from year to year, it is envisaged that the syllabus will cover the following topics:

  • Theoretical models of the writing process
  • The role of grammar as choice in the teaching and execution of writing
  • The concept of metalinguistic understanding and its significance in writing
  • The craft of writing, creative writing, and ‘being a writer’

Learning activities and teaching methods (given in hours of study time)

Scheduled Learning and Teaching ActivitiesGuided independent studyPlacement / study abroad

Details of learning activities and teaching methods

CategoryHours of study timeDescription
Scheduled Learning & Teaching activities4812 x 4 hours per week of online seminars
Guided independent study 48Preparatory work for taught seminars (including reading; research tasks; collaborative tasks)
Guided independent study 104Completion of directed study tasks integral to the taught seminars.
Guided independent study20Completion of formative assignment tasks
Guided independent study80Completion of summative assignment tasks

Formative assessment

Form of assessmentSize of the assessment (eg length / duration)ILOs assessedFeedback method
Critical analysis5,000 words equivalent1, 2, 5, and 7Written

Summative assessment (% of credit)

CourseworkWritten examsPractical exams

Details of summative assessment

Form of assessment% of creditSize of the assessment (eg length / duration)ILOs assessedFeedback method
Critical evaluation of portfolio of creative writing302,000 (1,000 critical evaluation; 1,000 word equivalent portfolio)2,3,5,6,7Written and grade
Analysis of student writing603,000 words1,4,5,6,7Written and grade
Engagement log10500 words8Written and grade

Details of re-assessment (where required by referral or deferral)

Original form of assessmentForm of re-assessmentILOs re-assessedTimescale for re-assessment
Critical evaluation of portfolio of creative writingReflective writing2,3,5,6,7 8 weeks
Analysis of student writing Research analysis1,4,5,6,7 8 weeks
Engagement logengagement log88 weeks

Indicative learning resources - Basic reading

  • Banaji, S., Burn, A., Buckingham, D (2010) The Rhetorics of Creativity: A literature review. 2nd ed. London: Creativity, Culture and Education.
  • Cremin, T. and Oliver, L. (2017). Teachers as writers: a systematic review. Research Papers in Education, 32(3) pp. 269–295.
  • Lefstein, A. (2009). Rhetorical grammar and the grammar of schooling: Teaching powerful verbs in the English national literacy strategy. Linguistics and Education, 20(4), 378-400.
  • Love, K and Sandiford, C. (2016) Teachers’ and students’ meta-reflections on writing choices: An Australian case study International Journal of Educational Research 80, pp.204-216
  • Myhill, D.A and Wilson, A.C. (2013) Playing it safe: Teachers’ views of creativity in poetry writing Thinking Skills and Creativity 10: 101– 111
  • Myhill, D.A. Jones, S and Watson, A. (2013) Grammar Matters: How Teachers’ Grammatical Subject Knowledge Impacts on the Teaching of Writing Teaching and Teacher Education 36:77-91
  • Myhill, D. Newman, R. and Watson, A. (2020) Going Meta: Dialogic Talk in the Writing Classroom. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 43 (1) 5-16.
  • Sandiford, C. and Macken-Horarik, M. (2020) Changing stories: Linguistically-informed assessment of development in narrative writing. Assessing Writing

Key words search

Education; global issues in education; debates in education; language and literacy; writing

Credit value30
Module ECTS


Module pre-requisites


Module co-requisites


NQF level (module)


Available as distance learning?


Origin date


Last revision date
