Microcontroller Engineering - 2024 entry
MODULE TITLE | Microcontroller Engineering | CREDIT VALUE | 15 |
MODULE CODE | ENG2008 | MODULE CONVENER | Dr Isaac Luxmoore (Coordinator) |
DURATION: TERM | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) | 35 |
A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit. It is widely used in automatically controlled systems and devices such as appliances, automobiles, robots and mobile phones. In this module, you will be introduced to the fundamental principles of the design, operation and application of microcontrollers. This includes the architecture of microcontrollers and peripherals, such as various types of memories, analogue and digital input/output interfaces, serial communication modules, timers and interrupts. You will also learn how to program a microcontroller and gain extensive practical experience of designing an embedded system using a microcontroller.
Prerequisite module: ENG1009, ENG2118, ENG2003 or equivalent
This module aims to develop your understanding of the fundamental principles of the design, architecture and applications of a microcontroller. The laboratory sessions concentrate on the microcontroller development system, and you will get the chance to use programming languages to develop a range of microcontroller based applications.
- number systems and binary arithmetic;
- microprocessor review - types and development history;
- microprocessor and microcontroller architectures;
- address, data and control buses;
- memory systems and address decoding;
- general purpose digital input/output;
- analogue interfacing;
- interrupts
- ancillary circuits;
- stepper motor control using microcontroller;
- programming language for microcontroller;
- overall system design, development and application;
- microcontroller development environment.
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities | 63 | Guided Independent Study | 87 | Placement / Study Abroad | 0 |
Category | Hours of study time | Description |
Scheduled learning and teaching activities | 22 | Lectures |
Scheduled learning and teaching activities | 11 | Tutorials |
Scheduled learning and teaching activities | 30 | Laboratories |
Guided independent study | 87 | Lecture and assessment reading |
Form of Assessment | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Lab tasks | 6 hours | 1-6(MC 4,6,12) | Verbal feedback |
Self | 8 hours | 1-6(MC 4,6,12) | Verbal feedback and worked solutions |
Coursework | 40 | Written Exams | 60 | Practical Exams |
Form of Assessment | % of Credit | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Written exam | 60 | 2 hours | 1-5 (MC 4,6) | Written (verbal upon request) |
Coursework - Problem Sheet | 20 | 4 hours | 1-5 (MC 4,6,12) | Written and verbal |
Coursework - Lab assignment | 20 | 15 hours (9 hours in allocated lab sessions) | 1-6 (MC 4,6,12) | Written and verbal |
Original Form of Assessment | Form of Re-assessment | ILOs Re-assessed | Time Scale for Re-assessment |
All above | Written exam (100% - 2 hours) | 1-5 (MC 4,6) | August Ref/Def period |
Deferrals: Reassessment will be by coursework and/or exam in the deferred element only. For deferred candidates, the module mark will be uncapped.
Referrals: Reassessment will be by a single written exam worth 100% of the module. As it is a referral, the mark will be capped at 40%.
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
Reading list for this module:
ORIGIN DATE | Thursday 21st March 2024 | LAST REVISION DATE | Wednesday 18th September 2024 |
KEY WORDS SEARCH | microcontrollers; microprocessors; C/assembly language programming |
Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.