Atmospheric and Oceanic Systems, Their Interactions and Importance
Module title | Atmospheric and Oceanic Systems, Their Interactions and Importance |
Module code | GEO1420 |
Academic year | 2021/2 |
Credits | 15 |
Module staff | Professor Jamie Shutler (Convenor) |
Duration: Term | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Duration: Weeks | 1 |
Number students taking module (anticipated) | 50 |
Module description
How are atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns formed, how are these systems interlinked and how do they interact, what drives the weather systems, why is carbon important, and how do we know what our climate and weather was like in the past and what it may look like in the future? This module takes the first steps in answering all of these questions by giving you a solid understanding of the Earth's two major dynamic systems; the oceans and atmosphere. Weekly lectures are supported by two practical classes where you will use interactive iPython Jupyter notebooks to study atmosphere-ocean gas exchange, along with videos by invited speakers, Technology, Education and Design (TED) talks, journal papers, music, additional online resources and examples of recent advances made by research being performed at the Exeter Penryn and Streatham campuses.
Module aims - intentions of the module
This module examines the physical processes operating in Earth’s linked atmospheric and oceanic systems. It provides you with an introduction to the circulation of the oceans and atmosphere and how they interact, and to the cyclical behaviour of ocean-atmosphere systems on different temporal and spatial scales. Past changes in ocean-atmosphere circulation and environments are also examined. The module addresses some of the causes and effects of present-day (anthropogenic) climate changes and their impacts on the ocean-atmosphere system, and provides a valuable background in both knowledge and skills for a wide range of possible employment types.
All of the content within this module is guided by the aims of Research, Enquiry and Applications Led Learning (REAL). For example, the invited speakers will present and discuss their latest research, all case studies used within the course focus on recent journal publications, examples from current university of Exeter research activities (e.g. from the Centre for Geography and Environmental Science) will be used to demonstrate different theories and methods, and information from relevant international workshops, activities and/or news will be given and discussed. Examples from the module leader’s own research group will be used to highlight recent developments.
Through attending the weekly lectures and seminars and by completing the assessments, you will further develop the following academic and professional skills to improve your employability for your future career:
- problem solving (linking theory to practice, developing your own ideas with confidence, being able to respond to novel and unfamiliar problems),
- managing structure (identifying key demands of the task, setting clearly defined goals, responding flexibly to changing priorities),
- time management (managing time effectively individually and within a group),
- collaboration (respecting the views and values of others, taking initiative and leading others, supporting others in their work, maintaining group cohesiveness and purpose),
- audience awareness (presenting ideas effectively in multiple formats, persuading others of the importance and relevance of your views, responding positively and effectively to questions) and
- effective open discussion.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
ILO: Module-specific skills
On successfully completing the module you will be able to...
- 1. Review, with direction, the physical processes operating in the linked ocean-atmosphere system on different spatial and temporal scales.
- 2. Discuss the reasons why relationships between these physical processes change over time and space, and what implications they have in terms of global- to regional-scale climate.
- 3. Understand the processes involved in present-day climate changes, including those associated with human activity, and the implications that these have for future climates.
- 4. Describe the inter-linkages between the operation of different physical processes associated with global climate on different time and space scales.
- 5. Describe the role of human activity in changing the operation of the climate system.
ILO: Discipline-specific skills
On successfully completing the module you will be able to...
- 6. Describe in some detail essential facts and theory across a sub-discipline of the geography
- 7. Identify critical questions from the literature and synthesise research-informed examples from the literature into written work.
- 8. With some guidance, deploy established techniques of analysis, practical investigation, and enquiry within geography.
- 9. Describe approaches used to further our understanding of geography with reference to primary literature, reviews and research articles.
ILO: Personal and key skills
On successfully completing the module you will be able to...
- 10. Develop, with some guidance, a logical and reasoned argument with valid conclusions.
- 11. Communicate ideas, principles and theories fluently using a variety of formats in a manner appropriate to the intended audience.
- 12. Collect and interpret appropriate data, drawing on a range of sources, with limited guidance.
- 13. Evaluate own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills, and apply own evaluation criteria.
- 14. Reflect effectively on learning experiences and summarise personal achievements
Syllabus plan
The syllabus will be based on (but not limited to) the following topics:
- Introduction to thermodynamics
- Global radiation balance
- Atmospheric structure, movement and circulation
- Oceanic structure, and surface and circulation
- The importance of the atmospheric and oceanic carbon cycles
- Introduction to atmosphere-ocean interactions
- Observing the oceans from space and in situ
- Observing the atmosphere from space and in situ
- Past oceanic and atmospheric climate
- Introduction to climate, Earth system models and prediction
- All of the above linked the Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments
Learning activities and teaching methods (given in hours of study time)
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities | Guided independent study | Placement / study abroad |
48 | 102 | 0 |
Details of learning activities and teaching methods
Category | Hours of study time | Description |
Scheduled Learning and Teaching | 44 | Lectures focussing on the presentation and understanding of key concepts, supported by case studies drawn from real-world situations and supported by selected readings. Weekly discussion seminars. |
Scheduled Learning and Teaching | 4 | Practical classes using interactive iPython Jupyter notebooks |
Guided independent study | 102 | Additional research, reading and preparation for module assessments |
Formative assessment
Form of assessment | Size of the assessment (eg length / duration) | ILOs assessed | Feedback method |
Short answer questions during lectures and/or through the forum | Ongoing throughout the module | 1-14 | Oral or written |
Student led seminar discussions | 10 sessions | 1-14 | Oral |
Summative assessment (% of credit)
Coursework | Written exams | Practical exams |
100 | 0 | 0 |
Details of summative assessment
Form of assessment | % of credit | Size of the assessment (eg length / duration) | ILOs assessed | Feedback method |
Written report (discursive essay) | 50 | 1200 words | 1-12 | Written and Oral |
Written report (practical write up and investigation) | 50 | 1200 words | 1-12 | Written and Oral |
Details of re-assessment (where required by referral or deferral)
Original form of assessment | Form of re-assessment | ILOs re-assessed | Timescale for re-assessment |
Written report (discursive essay) | Written report | 1-12 | August Assessment Period |
Written report (practical write up and investigation) | Written report | 1-7, 9-12 | August Assessment Period |
Re-assessment notes
Deferral – if you miss an assessment for certificated reasons judged acceptable by the Mitigation Committee, you will normally be either deferred in the assessment or an extension may be granted. The mark given for a re-assessment taken as a result of deferral will not be capped and will be treated as it would be if it were your first attempt at the assessment.
Referral – if you have failed the module overall (ie a final overall module mark of less than 40%) you will be required to sit a further examination. The mark given for a re-assessment taken as a result of referral will count for 100% of the final mark and will be capped at 40%.
Indicative learning resources - Basic reading
Books that are used to support this module (in conjunction with journal papers) are:
- Essentials of atmospheric and Oceanic dynamics by Geoffrey K. Vallis
- Atmosphere, weather, and climate by Roger G. Barry; Richard J. Chorley
- The global carbon cycle, by David Archer
Indicative learning resources - Web based and electronic resources
Credit value | 15 |
Module ECTS | 7.5 |
Module pre-requisites | None |
Module co-requisites | None |
NQF level (module) | 5 |
Available as distance learning? | No |
Origin date | 10/02/2021 |
Last revision date | 10/02/2021 |