Advanced Mathematics Project - 2023 entry
MODULE TITLE | Advanced Mathematics Project | CREDIT VALUE | 60 |
MODULE CODE | MTHM021 | MODULE CONVENER | Dr Frank Kwasniok (Coordinator) |
DURATION: TERM | 1 | 2 | 3 |
DURATION: WEEKS | 0 | 11 weeks | 11 weeks |
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) | 25 |
In this module you will gain experience of independent work by in-depth research into an open-ended problem agreed with your Project Supervisor. Part way through the project, you will present your work to date to a group of academics and fellow students in order to obtain feedback on your progress and to help guide the remainder of your study. This forms 10% of the assessment. At the end of the project, you will write a coherent and comprehensible account of your work in the form of a dissertation that forms 90% of the assessment. Computational work by the use of MATLAB, or other appropriate package, may form part of the Advanced Mathematics Project.
This module provides the opportunity for you to produce a well-researched project in mathematics, either complementing or extending material in the taught part of the programme. By taking this module, you will develop your research skills and become familiar with current research literature.
On successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1 Demonstrate the ability to understand and appraise recent research in some aspect of mathematics;
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
2 Show the ability to apply computational and/or theoretical reasoning to analysing mathematical challenges;
Personal and Key Transferable/ Employment Skills and Knowledge:
3 Show the ability to write a concise, clear and accurate technical report;
4 Display the ability to work independently and to a deadline on an open-ended problem;
5 Show the ability to give a cogent oral presentation on your work to a non-specialist audience.
Term 2: You will be given details of arrangements for the project, and required to choose a topic. Advice on possible topics for this module and on prospective supervisors is available from the module leader.
The choice of topics and supervisors will be finalised by the middle of Term 2. Easter vacation and summer: you research and write the project. Regular meetings are held with the supervisor. The oral presentation is given in June following the exam period. The project dissertation must be submitted by the due date (around September 1st) and must comply with University and College submission requirements.
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities | 22 | Guided Independent Study | 578 | Placement / Study Abroad | 0 |
Category | Hours of study time | Description |
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities | 22 | Individual supervision |
Guided Independent Study | 578 | Private study and assessment preparation |
Form of Assessment | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Weekly Exercises | 4 hours each | All | Verbal |
Coursework | 100 | Written Exams | 0 | Practical Exams | 0 |
Form of Assessment | % of Credit | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Written dissertation | 90 |
Not to exceed 50 pages of A4 including: tables / diagrams / appendices / bibliography |
1,2,3,4 |
Written |
Presentation | 10 | 10 minutes + questions | 1,2,3,5 | Written |
Original Form of Assessment | Form of Re-assessment | ILOs Re-assessed | Time Scale for Re-reassessment |
All Above | Coursework (100%) | 1 - 4 | Ref/Def Period; decided by Exam Board |
Reassessment will be by resubmission of the written dissertation only. For referred candidates, the mark will be capped at 50%. For deferred candidates, the mark will be uncapped.
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
Basic reading:
Research papers and relevant sections of textbooks as appropriate to the topic of the individual project. Suitable references will be suggested by the programme coordinator in advance of the projects commencing.
Reading list for this module:
ORIGIN DATE | Tuesday 10th July 2018 | LAST REVISION DATE | Thursday 26th January 2023 |
KEY WORDS SEARCH | Mathematics Project; Dissertation |
Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.