Programme Specification for the 2023/4 academic year
PGCE English Primary
1. Programme Details
Programme name | PGCE English Primary | Programme code | PGC1EDUPRI14 |
Study mode(s) | Full Time |
Academic year | 2023/4 |
Campus(es) | St Luke's (Exeter) |
NQF Level of the Final Award | 7 (Masters) |
2. Description of the Programme
The full-time PGCE Primary programme consisting of two 30 credit modules at Level 7 and two non-credit bearing modules at Level 6. The programme is studied over 36 weeks, of which 24 are based in school. The programme is designed to enable you to meet the Teachers’ Standards ( as specified by the National College for Teaching and Leadership, and to introduce you to the government’s underlying values and principles of education. You are encouraged to develop a critical understanding of the diversity of learners and the complexities of the process of education, including different social and organisational structures of education. The Exeter Model of Cognitive Apprenticeship ( supports you in developing the ability to analyse and reflect upon educational theories, research and professional contexts. The teaching style of seminars and lectures fosters confidence in the articulation of arguments and in collaborative work and in the use of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in a professional context, whilst the assignments provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between theory and practice; draw upon skills in interpreting and presenting numerical data; and organise and synthesise information from empirical or theoretical studies. The University's Fitness to Practise ( and the Department for Education’s Fitness to Teach ( procedures apply to your admission and continued registration on the programme.
You will undertake a limited period of school-based work during the Autumn term, and an extended period of school-based work during the Spring and Summer terms. The 120 days spent in schools is a programme level requirement and will give you sufficient time for you to demonstrate that you have met the Teachers’ Standards as well as being used to provide you with teaching and learning activities across a number of taught based modules.
3. Educational Aims of the Programme
1. to support you in successfully achieving your PGCE with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS);
2. to enable you to successfully write at Masters level in your assignments;
3. to facilitate you becoming a reflective practitioner during and beyond your academic year;
4. to support your development as autonomous professionals;
5. to provide you with knowledge and skills needed to apply theory to practice;
6. to provide the knowledge, understanding and skills for you to analyse educational policy, theory and practice;
7. to provide you with the procedural knowledge to develop conceptual understanding and analyse data;
8. to provide the organisational and transferable skills central to professional autonomy;
9. to support your ability to define and evaluate complex educational issues drawing on national and international perspectives;
10. to develop your teaching competence through a phased initiation into good practice in teaching under mentorship in partner schools;
11. to enable you to achieve a grounding in the application of subject knowledge which gives you both an appropriate level of teaching subject knowledge and understanding for the teaching and assessment of pupils applied to the pupils' National Curriculum and other syllabus requirements;
12. to introduce you to what is known about pupils as learners, both from research and professional experience;
13. to familiarise you with the organisation and management of schools;
14. to enable you to understand teaching as a profession, and how schooling may serve society;
15. to provide you with guidance for your Induction Year and for continuing professional development.
This programme aims:
4. Programme Structure
5. Programme Modules
Your Primary PGCE programme is a 1 year programme of study at National Qualification Framework (NQF) Level (7) (as confirmed against the FHEQ). This programme has one ‘Stage’ which is normally equivalent to an academic year. The programme is also divided into units of study called ‘modules’ which are assigned a number of ‘credits’. The credit rating of a module is proportional to the total workload, with 1 credit being nominally equivalent to 10 hours of work.
The programme is delivered through four module blocks, the Educational & Professional Studies module (EPSM000), the Professional Learning module (EDUM034), the pathway module (EEDM009; EMAM009; EHUM009; ESCM004; EDUM053; EDUM061) and the Curriculum Studies module (EDUM033). All students take the Educational & Professional Studies module, the Curriculum Studies module and the Professional Learning module, and select one Pathway module. The Pathway modules include the Primary Teaching & Learning module (EDUM061) for students on the generic (i.e., no-subject specific) pathway, and the Primary Teaching and Learning Contextual Studies module (EDUM053) for students on the School Direct@Exeter pathway. Educational & Professional Studies module, the Curriculum Studies module and the Specialist Subject modules are taught in the Autumn Term and parts of these modules are also taught in the time you spend in schools. The Professional Learning module runs in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. All the modules integrate with each other and you will continue to learn and reflect on each module throughout the year. During the academic year you will spend 120 days on School Placements.
You may exit with:
• PGCE at Level 7 with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) if you pass both the Level 7, 30-credit modules and the non-credit-bearing Professional Learning & Curriculum Studies modules.
• QTS only if you pass the non-credit-bearing Professional Learning & Curriculum Studies modules, but fail one or more of the Level 7 modules (i.e. pathway module and/or the Education and Professional Studies module).
• PGCert in Professional Studies in Education if you pass both of the Level 7, 30-credit modules but fail the Professional Learning & Curriculum Studies module.
Please note that there are no optional routes. The requirement is that you fully undertake all of the modules.
Interim Awards There are no interim awards available for this programme.
In certain circumstances, the Primary PGCE programme may be undertaken within the School Direct training programme ( By arrangement with the School Direct PGCE Programme Director, School Direct lead schools can opt for their students to register for and infill onto the Primary PGCE programme as described in this document. Students undertaking this option would not register for the School Direct PGCE programme which involves online distance learning as detailed in the School Direct PGCE programme specification. Please see the Graduate School of Education website for further details: http//
School Direct infill students will have the same exit points as detailed above but where the PGCE is awarded, the term ‘School Direct’ will be added in brackets to the PGCE award title.
Stage 1
Your Primary PGCE programme is a 1 year programme of study at National Qualification Framework (NQF) Level (7) (as confirmed against the FHEQ). This programme has one ‘Stage’ which is normally equivalent to an academic year. The programme is also divided into units of study called ‘modules’ which are assigned a number of ‘credits’. The credit rating of a module is proportional to the total workload, with 1 credit being nominally equivalent to 10 hours of work.
The programme is delivered through four module blocks, the Educational & Professional Studies module (EPSM000), the Professional Learning module (EDUM034), the pathway module (EEDM009; EMAM009; EHUM009; ESCM004; EDUM053; EDUM061) and the Curriculum Studies module (EDUM033). All students take the Educational & Professional Studies module, the Curriculum Studies module and the Professional Learning module, and select one Pathway module. The Pathway modules include the Primary Teaching & Learning module (EDUM061) for students on the generic (i.e., no-subject specific) pathway, and the Primary Teaching and Learning Contextual Studies module (EDUM053) for students on the School Direct@Exeter pathway. Educational & Professional Studies module, the Curriculum Studies module and the Specialist Subject modules are taught in the Autumn Term and parts of these modules are also taught in the time you spend in schools. The Professional Learning module runs in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. All the modules integrate with each other and you will continue to learn and reflect on each module throughout the year. During the academic year you will spend 120 days on School Placements.
You may exit with:
• PGCE at Level 7 with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) if you pass both the Level 7, 30-credit modules and the non-credit-bearing Professional Learning & Curriculum Studies modules.
• QTS only if you pass the non-credit-bearing Professional Learning & Curriculum Studies modules, but fail one or more of the Level 7 modules (i.e. pathway module and/or the Education and Professional Studies module).
• PGCert in Professional Studies in Education if you pass both of the Level 7, 30-credit modules but fail the Professional Learning & Curriculum Studies module.
Please note that there are no optional routes. The requirement is that you fully undertake all of the modules.
Interim Awards There are no interim awards available for this programme.
In certain circumstances, the Primary PGCE programme may be undertaken within the School Direct training programme ( By arrangement with the School Direct PGCE Programme Director, School Direct lead schools can opt for their students to register for and infill onto the Primary PGCE programme as described in this document. Students undertaking this option would not register for the School Direct PGCE programme which involves online distance learning as detailed in the School Direct PGCE programme specification. Please see the Graduate School of Education website for further details: http//
School Direct infill students will have the same exit points as detailed above but where the PGCE is awarded, the term ‘School Direct’ will be added in brackets to the PGCE award title.
Compulsory Modules
Code | Module | Credits | Non-condonable? |
EPSM000 | Educational and Professional Studies | 30 | Yes |
EDUM033 | Primary Curriculum Studies | 0 | Yes |
EDUM034 | Primary Professional Learning | 0 | Yes |
EEDM009 | Semi Specialist English (Primary) | 30 | Yes |
6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods
Intended Learning Outcomes
A: Specialised Subject Skills and Knowledge
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) On successfully completing this programme you will be able to: | Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be... | |
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class): | ...and evidenced by the following assessment methods: | |
1. identify and evaluate educational concepts and issues related to your specific field of study and engage in critical debate about current educational issues, drawing on evidence from theory, research and practice | Lectures, seminar, group activities, tutorials; directed activities in professional contexts; school-based placements; supported self-study; ICT via email and website. | 1. Formative and summative written assignments in Education and Professional Studies and Pathway modules at Masters level showing interaction between theory and practice 2. Formative activities (such as Action Planning and target setting; and professional dialogue in Supervisory Conferences) and summative assessment through written assignments in Education & Professional Studies, Curriculum Studies, Professional Learning and Pathway modules, through the Reflections on Achievement and Progress (of the Standards for the award of QTS) and Formative Reports 3. Formative activities (such as lesson planning and independent study related to Initial Needs Analysis and associated Action Plans) and summative assessment through written assignments in Education & Professional Studies, Curriculum Studies and Pathway modules, through the Reflections on Achievement and Progress (of the Standards for the award of QTS) and Formative Reports 4. Formative activities (such as teaching alongside an experienced teacher, implementing national educational policy documents, keeping records of pupils’ attainment) and summative assessment through written assignments in Education & Professional Studies, Curriculum Studies, Professional Learning and Pathway modules, through the Reflections on Achievement and Progress (of the Standards for the award of QTS) and Formative Reports |
Intended Learning Outcomes
B: Academic Discipline Core Skills and Knowledge
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) On successfully completing this programme you will be able to: | Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be... | |
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class): | ...and evidenced by the following assessment methods: | |
5. critically evaluate the relevance of learning theory to practice | Lectures; seminars; directed study activities; peer group teaching; individual presentations; school-based placements; field trips/subject conferences (where relevant);Education & Professional Studies and Pathway assignments. | 5. Formative activities such as use of the Framework for Dialogue about Teaching in Supervisory Conferences with Mentors; Summative assessment through written assignments in Education & Professional Studies and Pathway modules. 6. Formative activities such as directed small group or individual presentations; Summative assessment through written assignments in Education & Professional Studies and Pathway modules. 7. Formative activities such as use of pupil attainment data to inform practice and small group or individual presentations; Summative assessment such as empirical data collection and analysis as part of Curriculum Studies and Pathway assignment module. 8. Formative activities such as keeping records of pupils’ attainment; Summative assessment such as presentation of empirical data as part of a Level 7 assignment. 9. Formative activities such as SEN task in school based work; Summative assessment through written assignment in Education & Professional Studies and Pathway modules. |
Intended Learning Outcomes
C: Personal/Transferable/Employment Skills and Knowledge
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) On successfully completing this programme you will be able to: | Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be... | |
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class): | ...and evidenced by the following assessment methods: | |
10. manage your own learning development | Diagnostic Audits and Personal Action Plans; Individual Development Portfolio; Lectures; Seminars; Directed Study group tasks; Small group/individual presentations; Peer group teaching; School based placements. | 10. Formative activities such as completion of the Individual Development Portfolio; Summative assessment through the Reflections on Achievement and Progress (of the Standards for the award of QTS) and Formative Reports 11. Formative activities such as lesson plans and agenda evaluations; Summative assessment through the Reflections on Achievement and Progress (of the Standards for the award of QTS) and Formative Reports 12. Formative activities such as peer group teaching in Education & Professional Studies, Curriculum Studies and Pathway modules 13. Formative activities such as directed study group tasks and team teaching during school based work; Summative assessment through the Reflections on Achievement and Progress (of the Standards for the award of QTS) and Formative Reports 14. Formative activities such as lesson planning during school based work; Summative assessment through written assignments in Education & Professional Studies and Pathway modules. 15. Formative activities such as lesson and agenda evaluations; Summative assessment through the Reflections on Achievement and Progress (of the Standards for the award of QTS) and Formative Reports. |
7. Programme Regulations
The programme consists of 60 credits, of which 30 credits are at Level 7 in Educational and Professional Studies and 30 credits at Level 7 by studying one of the Pathway modules. There are also two non-credit bearing modules at Level 6 in Curriculum Studies and Professional Learning modules. The programme is studied over 36 weeks, of which 24 are based in school.
Assessment and Awards
For the PGCE programme, there is no final classification of award. The programme is awarded on a pass/fail basis only. Level 7 modules are marked according to the University’s generic marking criteria for Masters programmes. The pass mark for the Educational and Professional Studies and Specialist Studies modules is 50%. The marking and classification of the Level 7 modules corresponds to the following percentage marks:
Distinction 70%+
Merit 60-69%
Pass 50-59%
The Professional Learning module and Curriculum Studies module (Level 6) are marked on a pass/fail basis judged in accordance with both the University’s generic marking criteria for Undergraduate programmes and the Teachers’ Standards (2012). These are a requirement for all teachers in England and Wales and are set by the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL).
The Professional Learning, non-credit-bearing level 6 module, is included in the programme to demonstrate achievement of the professional competencies required by the NCTL for recommendation for QTS. Evidence for achievement of the requirements for QTS is presented in an Individual Development Portfolio and assessed as pass or fail only by means of a Final Summative Report.
The Curriculum Studies non-credit bearing level 6 module is linked to the Professional Learning module and shares the same summative assessment but with specific formative assessments in the different curriculum areas to enable trainees to develop the subject knowledge needed for achievement of the requirements for QTS.
Please see the Teaching and Quality Assurance Manual for further guidance.
8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning
Personal and Academic tutoring: It is University policy that all Colleges should have in place a system of academic and personal tutors. The role of academic tutors is to support you on individual modules; the role of personal tutors is to provide you with advice and support for the duration of the programme and extends to providing you with details of how to obtain support and guidance on personal difficulties such as accommodation, financial difficulties and sickness. You can also make an appointment to see individual teaching staff.
Each PGCE student is allocated a personal tutor who will meet with you at regular intervals during the University taught course to review your progress and to discuss issues of concern that you would like to raise. Personal tutors have an excellent overview of the support systems offered by the University and will direct you to these as appropriate. In addition, each student is allocated a University Visiting Tutor (UVT) whilst on school placement, who will visit you during the Spring and Summer terms to review your progress; ensure correct implementation of the Exeter Model of Initial Teacher Education by the schools; and discuss issues of concern that you would like to raise. Further support is provided in schools by the school Mentor who has an overview of your practice and by the Principle School Tutor who works with you on a day by day basis.
Each student has access to the Exeter Learning Environment (ELE) - a virtual learning environment, which acts as a portal to important programme documentation; subject specialist materials; access to email and online chat facilities.
Student/Staff Liaison Committee enables students & staff to jointly participate in the management and review of the teaching and learning provision.
9. University Support for Students and Students' Learning
10. Admissions Criteria
The Graduate School of Education welcomes applications from all students, regardless of gender, race, nationality, ethnic identity or national origin, socio-economic status, religious or political beliefs, disability, age, marital status, family circumstances, or sexual orientation. The Graduate School of Education is committed to encouraging potential teachers from a diverse range of backgrounds and contexts, and the School has received Government funding in previous years to support the recruitment of potential students from ethnic minorities. The Primary PGCE programme welcomes applications from students with disabilities, subject to applicants meeting the DfE ‘Fitness To Teach’ requirements. Attendance at an interview is a requirement of admission to the programme.
Academic requirements: All students embarking on the Primary PGCE programme must have a first degree at honours level with a classification of 1st or 2:1 (a 2.2 degree is acceptable in some circumstances) in their chosen subject specialism or related subjects. They must also have a minimum of a Grade C (but preferably a B) in GCSE English Maths, and Science (or equivalent) and have at least two weeks or equivalent of recent, relevant experience in a primary school setting. They must also pass both NCTL Professional Skills tests (in literacy and numeracy) prior to the beginning of the course.
Health requirements: All students embarking on a PGCE programme are required to complete a form describing their state of health which will be checked against the DfE Fitness to Teach criteria (
Legal requirements: All students embarking on a PGCE programme are required to provide an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) which is deemed satisfactory by the University to confirm that there are no criminal offences on their record which should prevent them from teaching. More detailed information about this is available on
There is no non-standard admission to the programme.
11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards
12. Indicators of Quality and Standards
Ofsted inspects our Primary PGCE provision within a six year framework and we have to provide regular reports to the NCTL on our Phonics and Behaviour management provision.
The University and its constituent Schools draw on a range of data in their regular review of the quality of provision. The annual NCTL's Performance Profiles Dataset details admission, progression, completion and first career destination data, including comparisons over a five year time span. In addition, the Primary PGCE Programme maintains its own data, relevant to PGCE, including degree entry standards, gender, ethnicity and disability data, and an annual benchmarking report is produced comparing the programme’s performance with national and regional competitors (using the NCTL Performance Profiles Dataset).
Ofsted inspections consistently rate the Primary PGCE programme as outstanding. In the most recent inspection (2010), the programme was awarded a Grade 1 (top grade available) for every element of the programme it was inspected in.
13. Methods for Evaluating and Improving Quality and Standards
14. Awarding Institution
University of Exeter
15. Lead College / Teaching Institution
College of Social Sciences and International Studies (CSSIS)
16. Partner College / Institution
Partner College(s)
Not applicable to this programme
Partner Institution
Not applicable to this programme.
17. Programme Accredited / Validated by
18. Final Award
PGCE English Primary
19. UCAS Code
20. NQF Level of Final Award
7 (Masters)
21. Credit
CATS credits | 60 |
ECTS credits | 30 |
22. QAA Subject Benchmarking Group
23. Dates
Origin Date | Date of last revision | 19/05/2016 |