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Programme Specification for the 2023/4 academic year

MRes Economics (PhD Pathway)

1. Programme Details

Programme nameMRes Economics (PhD Pathway) Programme codePTR2SBESBE02
Study mode(s)Full Time
Academic year2023/4
Campus(es)Streatham (Exeter)
NQF Level of the Final Award7 (Masters)

2. Description of the Programme

The MRes Economics (Pathway to PhD) is a two-year programme which allows you to specialise in economics at the post-graduate level in preparation for progression to the PhD in Economics. In year 1 you will receive advanced training in the core subjects of microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics and research methods. In year 2 you will choose among specialisation subjects which will expose you to frontier research in economics to develop your MRes dissertation. At the end of the programme, subject to qualification requirements, progression will be to the +3 PhD Programme, with initial registration to MPhil.

The analytical and quantitative skills learnt will be highly transferrable, and will be useful in academia, business, government and international organisations. The programme content is highly analytical, the teaching will be research driven, and you will start developing research independence through the preparation of the MRes dissertation.

The programme is designed in line with top PhD programmes in Economics across the world. Students progressing to the +3 PhD Programme will be able to apply for ESRC funding assistance in the third year, after being registered to MPhil, subject to meeting the residential eligibility criteria ( Students can also apply for funding for fees and maintenance support for this programme from the University of Exeter Business School through the MRes Scholarship fund.

3. Educational Aims of the Programme

The Programme will:

1. provide you with advanced training in economic and econometric theory.

2. provide you with advanced training in research methods used in economics.

3. develop your analytical and critical thinking skills through specialist economics options.

4. enable you to implement research techniques to evaluate economic problems and critically assess research debates.

5. provide you with training in subject-specific skills in preparation for further study or employment.

6. equip you with the required skills to conduct a research project, manage self-driven enquiry and write up a piece of research in the format of a dissertation.

4. Programme Structure

5. Programme Modules

The MRes Economics programme is a two-year programme of study at National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 7 (as confirmed against the FHEQ). It consists of two years or stages, with 240 credits across the 2 years. The programme is divided into units of study called ‘modules’ which are assigned a number of ‘credits’. The credit rating of a module is proportional to the total workload, with 1 credit being nominally equivalent to 10 hours of work.
A PG Diploma Advanced Economics will be awarded (as an exit qualification) to those students who have taken 120 credits and passed at least 90 credits at 50% or more (and have no mark below 40%). An MSc Advanced Economics will be awarded (as an exit qualification) to those students who achieve a mark of at least 50% in the taught modules but fail the dissertation.

This programme is available for 2-year full-time over six terms and is University-based throughout this time. The taught components of the programme are delivered in the first two terms of each of the two years, leaving the third term to prepare for the exams in year 1, and in year 2 to prepare for the exams and work on the MRes dissertation. The programme in its entirety runs from September in year 1 to September in year 2. During the programme you will study modules (including the dissertation) totalling 240 credits.

Stage 1

Compulsory Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
MRes Economics S1 term 1 modules
BEEM136 Research Methods I 15 No
BEEM137 Microeconomic Theory I 15 No
BEEM138 Macroeconomic Theory I 15 No
BEEM139 Econometric Theory I 15 No
MRes Economics S1 term 2 modules
BEEM140 Microeconomic Theory II 15 No
BEEM141 Macroeconomic Theory II 15 No
BEEM142 Econometric Theory II 15 No
BEEM143 Research Methods II 15 No

Stage 2

60 credits of compulsory modules and 60 credits of optional modules

Compulsory Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
BEEM150 Dissertation 60Yes

Optional Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
MRes Economics S2 term 1 modules
BEEM144 Topics in Microeconomic Theory I 15 No
BEEM145 Topics in Macroeconomic Theory I 15 No
BEEM146 Topics in Empirical Economics I 15 No
MRes Economics S2 term 2 modules
BEEM147 Topics in Microeconomic Theory II 15 No
BEEM148 Topics in Macroeconomic Theory II 15 No
BEEM149 Topics in Empirical Economics II 15 No

6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods

Intended Learning Outcomes
A: Specialised Subject Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

1. apply core knowledge in econometrics, microeconomics and macroeconomics.
2. apply specialized knowledge on recent developments in microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory and empirical economics.
3. analyse real-world phenomenon through the lenses of economic theory and econometric analysis.
4. plan, organise and manage self-driven enquiry. 5. implement research techniques to critically evaluate economic problems.

1. via all compulsory modules.
2. via all compulsory modules.
3. via most compulsory modules, Topics in Macroeconomic Theory I, Topics in Macroeconomic Theory II, Topics in Empirical Economics I and Topics in Empirical Economics II.
4. via MRes dissertation.
5. via MRes dissertation.

1-3. Core modules are assessed through a combination of final examinations, coursework assignments, problem sheets, presentations and essays.
4. MRes dissertation proposal.
5. MRes dissertation presentation.

Intended Learning Outcomes
B: Academic Discipline Core Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

6. synthesise data from a range of sources.
7. use expertise knowledge across a wide range of research methods and statistical techniques.
8. analyse and evaluate quantitative problems.
9. use several statistical and econometric packages.
10. use programming to formulate algorithms and analyse different types of data, such as Big Data.

6. via Econometric Theory I, Econometric Theory II, Topics in Empirical Economics I and Topics in Empirical Economics II.
7. via Research Methods I, Research Methods II, and the option modules.
8. via Research Methods I, Research Methods II, and the option modules.
9. via Research Methods II, Econometric Theory I, Econometric Theory II, and the option modules.
10. via Research Methods II, Topics in Empirical Economics I,

6. Coursework assignments and/or MRes dissertation.
7. Coursework assignments and/or MRes dissertation.
8. Coursework assignments and MRes dissertation.
9. Coursework assignments and/or MRes dissertation.
10. Coursework assignments and/or MRes dissertation.

Intended Learning Outcomes
C: Personal/Transferable/Employment Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

1. use a full range of learning resources.
2. work independently at a sustained level of researching or problem-solving.
3. use analytic and quantitative skills in both academic and non-academic jobs.

11. via all modules.
12. via MRes dissertation.
13. via all modules and MRes dissertation.

11. Coursework assignments and MRes dissertation.
12. MRes dissertation.
13. Coursework assignments and MRes dissertation.

7. Programme Regulations


8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning

9. University Support for Students and Students' Learning

10. Admissions Criteria

11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards

12. Indicators of Quality and Standards

The programme is not subject to accreditation and/ or review by professional and statutory regulatory bodies (PSRBs).

13. Methods for Evaluating and Improving Quality and Standards

14. Awarding Institution

University of Exeter

15. Lead College / Teaching Institution

University of Exeter Business School (UEBS)

16. Partner College / Institution

Partner College(s)

Not applicable to this programme

Partner Institution

Not applicable to this programme.

17. Programme Accredited / Validated by


18. Final Award

MRes Economics (PhD Pathway)

19. UCAS Code

Not applicable to this programme.

20. NQF Level of Final Award

7 (Masters)

21. Credit

CATS credits


ECTS credits


22. QAA Subject Benchmarking Group

23. Dates

Origin Date Date of last revision