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Programme Specification for the 2023/4 academic year

MSc Accounting and Finance

1. Programme Details

Programme nameMSc Accounting and Finance Programme codePTS1SBESBE19
Study mode(s)Full Time
Academic year2023/4
Campus(es)Streatham (Exeter)
NQF Level of the Final Award7 (Masters)

2. Description of the Programme

This programme is suited to anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of accounting and finance with a view to enter a career in academia or industry.

The MSc Accounting and Finance offers you a solid grounding in the fundamentals of financial management, financial accounting, and management accounting and will sharpen your quantitative skills in finance. You will gain insight into the accounting process within a firm (management accounting) and into external reporting and its relevance to company valuation (financial accounting).

One of the main attractions of the degree is the broad spectrum of options available – you can specialise further by selecting subjects such as derivatives pricing, domestic and international portfolio management, corporate finance and governance, banking and financial services, international financial management, topics in financial economics, financial technology (FinTech), digital business models, and many others. Sustainable considerations are incorporated into many of the modules on offer. In addition, you will have the opportunity to write both a quantitative and qualitative dissertation when undertaking the two 30-credit modules which will prepare you for a career in both academia and industry. The two modules will be delivered from June to September, and you will need to be present for teaching sessions during this period.

We also offer talks and workshops where you will meet and learn from practitioners and finance experts.

3. Educational Aims of the Programme

  • Provide a thorough theoretical and practical grounding in the tools and techniques of accounting and financial analysis;
  • Develop critical awareness of articles in accounting and finance academic journals, and familiarity with the concepts and research methods utilised;
  • Develop the facility to engage in and contribute to accounting and finance academic and policy debates;
  • Train researchers who are competent to choose between and deploy various alternative research methodologies and techniques, including alternative econometric techniques and software packages;
  • Provide specific research training that will enable students successfully to complete masters level dissertations, and provide a sound basis for a decision as to whether or not to embark upon a programme of independent research (under appropriate supervision) for MPhil/PhD;
  • Provide an opportunity for advanced study of accounting and finance suitable to a range of career-development motivations

4. Programme Structure

Your MSc Accounting and Finance programme is a 1 year programme of study at Regulated Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 7 (as confirmed against the FHEQ).  The programme is divided into units of study called ‘modules’ which are assigned a number of ‘credits’. The credit rating of a module is proportional to the total workload, with 1 credit being nominally equivalent to 10 hours of work.

Interim Awards

Postgraduate Diploma:

(a) A Postgraduate Diploma is awarded when a student gains at least 120 credits including at least 90 at RQF Level 7 on a designated programme.

Postgraduate Certificate:

(a) A Postgraduate Certificate is awarded when a student gains at least 60 credits including at least 45 at RQF Level 7 on a designated programme.

5. Programme Modules

The following tables describe the programme and constituent modules. Constituent modules may be updated, deleted or replaced as a consequence of the annual programme review of this programme.

This programme is available for study 12 months full-time over three terms and is University-based throughout this time. The taught components of the programme are delivered in the first two terms, leaving the third term and most of the summer to research, write and submit your dissertation. The programme in its entirety runs from October to September.

During the programme you will study modules (including the dissertation) totalling 180 credits. Please note that all options are available timetable permitting and may change.

Please note that programme structures may be subject to change.

Stage 1

Compulsory Modules

Note: Teaching sessions for BEAM068, BEAM079 and BEFM027 will be delivered from June to September

Students will take one of either BEAM079 or BEFM027

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
BEAM024 Advanced Financial Accounting 15No
BEAM025 Advanced Management Accounting 15No
BEAM047 Fundamentals of Financial Management 15No
BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance 15No
BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance 30Yes
BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use 30Yes
BEFM027 Dissertation 30Yes

Optional Modules

You will choose four options totalling 60 credits from a regularly updated selection. Recent modules are shown below:

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
BEAM029 Topics in Financial Economics 15No
BEAM033 Banking and Financial Services 15No
BEAM035 Derivatives Pricing 15No
BEAM036 Domestic and International Portfolio Management 15No
BEAM042 International Financial Management 15No
BEAM046 Financial Modelling 15No
BEAM050 Advanced Corporate Finance 15No
BEAM052 Corporate Governance and Finance 15No
BEAM053 Mergers, Management Buyouts and Other Corporate Reorganisations 15No
BEAM065 Bank Management 15No
BEAM031 Financial Instruments 15No
BEA3028 Sustainable and Responsible Finance 15No
BEMM129 Digital Business Models 15No
BEEM061 Fundamentals of Financial Technology 15No
BEEM161 Smart Contracts 15No
BEA3022 Auditing 15No

6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods

Intended Learning Outcomes
A: Specialised Subject Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

1. an extensive and in-depth knowledge of research in the areas of accounting and finance, to the extent that they are able to use their knowledge to develop independent analysis of new issues arising in these areas
2. an ability to use a variety of models and methods to solve practical problems arising in accounting and finance research and present clearly written research reports
3. an ability to use accounting and financial databases, finance-specific software and bibliographic resources related specifically to accounting, finance and investment
4. an awareness of the range of alternative approaches to accounting and finance research

ILO1&4: developed through compulsory modules with a view to use knowledge gained to complete BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance or BEFM027 Dissertation.

ILO2: addressed in particular in modules that require written reports as assignments and ultimately in BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance or BEFM027 Dissertation.

ILO3: training courses delivered by external partners from organisations such as Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg. Addressed in BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance or BEFM027 Dissertation.

1.   Final exams, coursework assignments and dissertation.

2.   Written reports/coursework/dissertation in BEAM078, BEAM068 and BEAM079 or BEFM027.

3.   Assessed in BEAM078 through coursework and class test, and coursework/dissertation in BEAM079 or BEFM027.

4.   Final exams, coursework assignments and dissertation

Intended Learning Outcomes
B: Academic Discipline Core Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

5. an ability to evaluate existing empirical research, appraise critically the assumptions underlying a variety of accounting and finance models and develop an understanding of how to test such assumptions empirically, contributing to knowledge in the area
6. an ability to use critically methodological skills in accounting and finance which can be adapted to solve further problems arising either in practice or in research
7. the ability to present results effectively.

ILO5: critical thinking is strongly encouraged in most of the modules; in particular, students will critically review substantial amount of empirical research in BEAM024 Advanced Financial Accounting and the contexts within which management accounting operates in BEAM025 Advanced Management Accounting.

ILO6: this is covered particularly in BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance, BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance or BEFM027 Dissertation.

ILO7: developed through assignments required in BEAM025 Advanced Management Accounting, BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance, BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance or BEFM027 Dissertation.

5.  Final exams and coursework.

6.  Coursework and class test in BEAM078, critical literature review in BEAM068 and coursework/dissertation in BEAM079 or BEFM027.

7.  Coursework in BEAM025, coursework and class test in BEAM078, critical literature review in BEAM068 and coursework/dissertation in BEAM079 or BEFM027.

Intended Learning Outcomes
C: Personal/Transferable/Employment Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

8. Confident Communicator: Able to adapt and adjust both written and verbal communication styles, to meet the needs of diverse audiences.
9. Innovative Problem-Solver: Able to confidently explore challenges from different perspectives, to creatively offer practical and timely solutions.
10. Proactive Collaborator: Able to actively build strong working relationships with others to have positive outcomes.
11. Digitally Fluent: Able to embrace a variety of digital technologies to critically source, process and communicate information.
12. Resilient Self-Advocate: Able to develop self-awareness through a commitment to learning from experiences and taking responsibility for personal growth.
13. Critical Thinker: Able to proactively analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources to draw independent and well-founded conclusions.
14. Globally Engaged: Able to recognise diverse individual and cultural perspectives, in order to communicate on interconnected world issues and sustainable decisions.

8. BEAM024 Advanced Financial Accounting requires students to build communication skills by debating discussion topics to produce a written group assignment.

BEAM025 Advanced Management Accounting requires the production of a report and an essay while BEAM046 Financial Modelling requires students to complete both an individual and group assignment.

BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use requires students to produce a critical literature review. BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance require students to undertake individual research projects. BEFM027 Dissertation requires students to write a dissertation.

9. All core modules (BEAM024 Advanced Financial Accounting, BEAM025 Advanced Management Accounting, BEAM047 Fundamentals of Financial Management and BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance) will require students to solve a range of problems with varying levels of complexity. This will be further consolidated and assessed through dissertations/projects in BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance or BEFM027 Dissertation.

10.  BEAM024 Advanced Financial Accounting and BEAM046 Financial Modelling require students to build collaboration skills through group work to produce written group assignments.

11.  BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance exposes students to a variety of databases and equips students with the skills to conduct empirical analysis through STATA.

BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance instructs students in coding and analytics using Python.

BEFM027 Dissertation requires students to collect data using databases and to conduct analysis using statistical software.

BEAM046 Financial Modelling instructs students in the use of Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

12.  All core modules (BEAM024 Advanced Financial Accounting, BEAM025 Advanced Management Accounting, BEAM047 Fundamentals of Financial Management, BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance, BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance or BEFM027 Dissertation) will provide students with the opportunity to self-reflect over the course of study and through the feedback provided for exams/assignments/research projects/dissertation.

13.  BEAM024 Advanced Financial Accounting offers the opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, integration, and synthesis between theoretical and practical perspectives.

BEAM025 Advanced Management Accounting encourages students to be inquisitive and think critically on contemporary developments.

BEAM047 Fundamentals of Financial Management introduces students to finance theory and financial management, and analyses models and evidence relating to a firm’s optimal capital structure and appropriate dividend policy.

BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance or BEFM027 Dissertation equip students with the ability to critically evaluate the extant literature and frame relevant questions to tackle complex problems faced by organisations and society.

BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use requires students to critically think about and appreciate accounting, accounts and accountability in its wider (e.g., social, economic, political, environmental) context through the consideration of topical and real-world issues.

14.  BEAM024 Advanced Financial Accounting requires group work. Students will have the opportunity to interact and work with people from different cultures. International accounting standards are global in nature and students will be exposed to research involving datasets and settings from different countries.

BEAM025 Advanced Management Accounting and BEAM068 Accounting, Accounts and Accountability: examining its everyday use cover topics that are global in scope. Popular culture, roles of accountants, sustainable development and accounting for the vulnerable are explored using examples from different countries.

BEAM047 Fundamentals of Financial Management covers investment theory and corporate finance that are international by nature and the fair valuation of financial assists will be of interest to those interested in sustainable decision-making.

BEAM078 Applied Empirical Accounting and Finance and BEAM079 Coding Analytics for Accounting and Finance or BEFM027 Dissertation expose students to programming language and analytics that are globally understood as well as literature involving settings from different countries.

8. BEAM024 – Examination and group assignment

     BEAM025 – Coursework (report and essay)

     BEAM046 – Individual and group assignment

     BEAM068 – Critical literature review

     BEAM078 – Research project

     BEAM079 – Research project

     BEFM027 – Dissertation

9.  BEAM024 – Examination and group assignment 

BEAM025 – Coursework (report and essay)

BEAM047 – Examination

BEAM078 – Research project

BEAM068 – Critical literature review

BEAM079 – Research project

BEFM027 – Dissertation


10. BEAM024 – Group assignment

      BEAM046 – Group assignment


11. BEAM078 – Research project

      BEAM079 – Research project

      BEFM027 – Dissertation

      BEAM046 – Individual and group assignment


12. BEAM024 – Examination and group assignment

      BEAM025 – Coursework (report and essay)

      BEAM047 – Examination

      BEAM078 – Research project

      BEAM068 – Critical literature review

      BEAM079 – Research project

      BEFM027 – Dissertation


13. BEAM024 – Examination and group assignment

      BEAM025 – Coursework (report and essay)

      BEAM047 – Examination

      BEAM078 – Research project

      BEAM068 – Critical literature review

      BEAM079 – Research project

      BEFM027 – Dissertation


14. BEAM024 – Examination and group assignment

      BEAM025 – Coursework (report and essay)

      BEAM047 – Examination

      BEAM078 – Research project

      BEAM068 – Critical literature review

      BEAM079 – Research project

      BEFM027 – Dissertation

7. Programme Regulations


Full details of assessment regulations for all taught programmes can be found in the TQA Manual, specifically in the Credit and Qualifications Framework, and the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook. Additional information, including Generic Marking Criteria, can be found in the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook.

8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning

Personal and Academic tutoring: It is University policy that all Colleges should have in place a system of academic and personal tutors. The role of academic tutors is to support you on individual modules; the role of personal tutors is to provide you with advice and support for the duration of the programme and extends to providing you with details of how to obtain support and guidance on personal difficulties such as accommodation, financial difficulties and sickness. You can also make an appointment to see individual teaching staff.

Student/Staff Liaison Committee enables students & staff to jointly participate in the management and review of the teaching and learning provision.

The Postgraduate Student Handbook can be accessed via ELE at the following address:

9. University Support for Students and Students' Learning

Please refer to the University Academic Policy and Standards guidelines regarding support for students and students' learning.

10. Admissions Criteria

Undergraduate applicants must satisfy the Undergraduate Admissions Policy of the University of Exeter.

Postgraduate applicants must satisfy the Postgraduate Admissions Policy of the University of Exeter.

Specific requirements required to enrol on this programme are available at the respective Undergraduate or Postgraduate Study Site webpages.

11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards

Each academic programme in the University is subject to an agreed College assessment and marking strategy, underpinned by institution-wide assessment procedures.

The security of assessment and academic standards is further supported through the appointment of External Examiners for each programme. External Examiners have access to draft papers, course work and examination scripts. They are required to attend the Board of Examiners and to provide an annual report. Annual External Examiner reports are monitored at both College and University level. Their responsibilities are described in the University's code of practice. See the University's TQA Manual for details.

(Quality Review Framework.

14. Awarding Institution

University of Exeter

15. Lead College / Teaching Institution

Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ESE)

16. Partner College / Institution

Partner College(s)

Not applicable to this programme

Partner Institution

Not applicable to this programme.

17. Programme Accredited / Validated by


18. Final Award

MSc Accounting and Finance

19. UCAS Code


20. NQF Level of Final Award

7 (Masters)

21. Credit

CATS credits


ECTS credits


22. QAA Subject Benchmarking Group

23. Dates

Origin Date


Date of last revision
