Programme Specification for the 2023/4 academic year
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
1. Programme Details
Programme name | MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management | Programme code | PTS1SBESBE37 |
Study mode(s) | Academic year | 2023/4 | |
Campus(es) | Streatham (Exeter) |
NQF Level of the Final Award | 7 (Masters) |
2. Description of the Programme
As the business world experiences an increase in the scope and pace of change, dealing effectively with uncertainty becomes a must for business survival. If you are looking to launch the next big digital platform, grow an existing family business, use innovation as a catalyst for transformation in a multinational organisation, or create a social enterprise to have maximum positive impact, then this course is for you.
The programme will have three significant core modules (Entrepreneur Business Startup, Entrepreneurship: Venture Launch and Agile Innovation) that deliver the fundamentals of venture startup and entrepreneurship. These will include guest lectures, tutorials and workshops which will draw on the Business School’s strengths. The output from these modules will be a series of iterations of a minimal viable product (MVP). This will culminate in one of the following dissertations: A) New venture project or B) Business growth project. These will allow for participants to specialise in areas such as creating a startup, a social enterprise, or growing a family business. Auxiliary modules will wrap around this core ensuring that the fundamentals of business are mastered. These will include accounting and finance, operations and project management, talent and organisational management, and business law.
3. Educational Aims of the Programme
The MSc covers the theory of both innovation and entrepreneurship and creates a safe space to test these ideas in the real world. Further, this understanding is broadened by the underpinning core management subjects (Funding, Accounting and Finance; Organisation and Talent Management; Operations and Project Management; Business Law and Mitigating Risk) which feed into the synoptic business report. It aims to:
- provide an education in entrepreneurship and innovation management in order to apply this and create business growth
- enable students to understand and recognise the entrepreneurial mindset
- provide insight in how to identify, create, deliver and manage new business value
- provide training in applicable techniques, tools, frameworks, and methods to increase the chances of success in new venture creation and business growth
- equip students with the knowledge to ensure the business growth they embark on is effective, sustainable, and protected
- enable students to have the confidence to start new ventures or embark on significant innovation
- equip students with the knowledge of growth phases of business and innovation so they can make responsive, informed management decisions
Learning and Teaching Methods
A blend of traditional and innovative teaching and learning approaches will be deployed. This will include lectures, tutorials, online content, and hackathons.
Learning Environment
Inclusive and iterative.
Distinctive Intentions
Build on Exeter’s culture of purposeful innovation and entrepreneurship and offer a unique blend of learning and doing. An important focus will be on the contemporary ideas of startup entrepreneurship.
4. Programme Structure
5. Programme Modules
Constituent modules may be updated, deleted or replaced as a consequence of the annual programme review of this programme. Details of the modules currently offered may be obtained from the College web site:
This programme is a 12 month full-time programme delivered over three terms. It is based at the University of Exeter Streatham Campus.
The taught components of the programme are delivered in the first two terms, leaving the third term and most of the summer to research, write and submit your Business Plan.
The programme in its entirety, runs from September to September. During the programme you will study modules, including a New Venture Product/Business Growth Project, totalling 180 credits. Please note that all options are available timetable permitting and may change.
Please note that programme structures and modules may be subject to change.
Stage 1
Compulsory Modules
(Indicative) Sequence of content:
First Semester:
- Entrepreneurship and Business Startup: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Foundations
- Entrepreneurship and Business Startup: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Theory and Practice
- Entrepreneurship and Business Startup: Business Model Generation
- Entrepreneurship and Business Startup: Entrepreneurial Mind-set
- Innovation 1: Innovation as a Core Business process
- Operations and Project Management
- Entrepreneurship and Business Startup: Opportunities and Creativity, Resources, and Networks
Second Semester
- Funding, Accounting and Finance
- Business Law and Mitigating Risk
- Innovation 2: Managing the Agile Innovation Process
- Entrepreneurship and Business Startup: Entrepreneurial Marketing
Third Semester
- Entrepreneurship: Venture Launch
Code | Module | Credits | Non-condonable? |
BEMM385 | Entrepreneur Business Startup | 60 | No |
BEMM487 | Entrepreneurship: Venture Launch | 30 | No |
BEMM222 | Agile Innovation | 30 | No |
BEMM223 | Operations and Project Management | 15 | No |
BEMM224 | Funding, Accounting and Finance | 15 | No |
BEMM386 | Business Law and Mitigating Risk | 15 | No |
BEMM473 | Talent in Organisations | 15 | No |
6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods
Intended Learning Outcomes
A: Specialised Subject Skills and Knowledge
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) On successfully completing this programme you will be able to: | Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be... | |
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class): | ...and evidenced by the following assessment methods: | |
1. evaluate the innovation process and the role entrepreneurs play in creating it. | Teaching and learning methods include lectures, case study, group work, presentations, teaching episodes, pitching, entrepreneur led sessions, field trips, hackathons, tutorials, workshops, reflection, and individual project work. | Subject-specific skills (ILOs 1 – 6) will be assessed through a mix of mainly individual (with some group work) assignments, examinations, teaching episodes, reflective essays, slide decks, reports, videos, posters, consumer research projects, reports, pitching, a risk audit, and writing a business report. 1. evaluate the innovation process and the role entrepreneurs play in creating it.
2. utilise entrepreneurial learning (theory and practice) within the entrepreneurial and innovation process framework.
3. critically evaluate fundamental theories and practices in the key components and processes that make up entrepreneurship and innovation.
4. critically evaluate fundamental theories and practices in the key components that support entrepreneurship and innovation.
5. create a new venture (virtual) in the form of a startup or within an existing organisation (a pragmatic synthesis of 2, 3 and 4).
6. have a wider understanding of the mix of various types of value, and how they may be considered within the innovation process.
Intended Learning Outcomes
B: Academic Discipline Core Skills and Knowledge
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) On successfully completing this programme you will be able to: | Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be... | |
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class): | ...and evidenced by the following assessment methods: | |
7. Identify, evaluate and use appropriate theory found in learned academic work. | Teaching and learning methods include lectures, case study, group work, presentations, teaching episodes, pitching, entrepreneur led sessions, field trips, hackathons, tutorials, workshops, reflection, and individual project work. | Core academic skills (ILOs 7 – 10) will be assessed through a mix of mainly individual (with some group work) assignments, examinations, teaching episodes, reflective essays, slide decks, reports, videos, posters, consumer research projects, reports, pitching, a risk audit, and writing a business report. 1. identify, evaluate and use appropriate theory found in learned academic work.
2. Conceptually locate entrepreneurship and innovation theory and practice.
3. Synthesise theory, practice and research findings and construct conceptual frameworks from multiple management perspectives.
4. Reflect and critically evaluate practical case experience from the entrepreneurship and innovation arena
Intended Learning Outcomes
C: Personal/Transferable/Employment Skills and Knowledge
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) On successfully completing this programme you will be able to: | Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be... | |
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class): | ...and evidenced by the following assessment methods: | |
11. Confident communicator: Able to adapt and adjust both written and verbal communication styles, to meet the needs of diverse audiences. | Teaching and learning methods include lectures, case study, group work, presentations, teaching episodes, pitching, entrepreneur led sessions, field trips, hackathons, tutorials, workshops, reflection, and individual project work. |
Core academic skills (ILOs 11 – 17) will be assessed through a mix of mainly individual (with some group work) assignments, examinations, teaching episodes, reflective essays, slide decks reports, videos, posters, consumer research projects, reports, pitching, a risk audit, and writing a business report.
11. Confident communicator:
12. Innovative Problem-Solver:
13. Proactive collaborator:
14. Digitally fluent:
15. Resilient Sefl-advocate:
16. Critical Thinker:
17. Globally Engaged
7. Programme Regulations
8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning
9. University Support for Students and Students' Learning
10. Admissions Criteria
11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards
12. Indicators of Quality and Standards
The programme is not subject to accreditation and/ or review by professional and statutory regulatory bodies (PSRBs).
13. Methods for Evaluating and Improving Quality and Standards
14. Awarding Institution
University of Exeter
15. Lead College / Teaching Institution
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy (ESE)
16. Partner College / Institution
Partner College(s)
Not applicable to this programme
Partner Institution
Not applicable to this programme.
17. Programme Accredited / Validated by
18. Final Award
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
19. UCAS Code
Not applicable to this programme.
20. NQF Level of Final Award
7 (Masters)
21. Credit
CATS credits | 180 |
ECTS credits | 90 |
22. QAA Subject Benchmarking Group
23. Dates
Origin Date | 27/11/2018 |
Date of last revision | 16/06/2021 |