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Programme Specification for the 2023/4 academic year

LLB Law with Industrial Placement

1. Programme Details

Programme nameLLB Law with Industrial Placement Programme codeUFL4LAWLAW09
Study mode(s)Full Time
Academic year2023/4
Campus(es)Streatham (Exeter)
NQF Level of the Final Award6 (Honours)

2. Description of the Programme

This four year degree programme is accredited by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board and covers all the foundation subjects required to pass the Academic Stage which forms part of the professional qualification as a barrister or solicitor. On graduation you will be able proceed to the Solicitors’ Legal Practice Course or the Barristers’ Bar Professional Training Course. After core modules in the first two stages, you will work in a legal organisation in stage three. On your return to Exeter in stage four, you will undertake further study from a range of optional modules.

We aim to offer as many activities as possible to help broaden career development and equip students with the skills employers find most valuable. These include activities and skills developed through learning and teaching, such as group work, research and analysis, communication and argumentation, and advocacy and negotiation; as well as other extra-curricular activities, including a team building exercise, employer visits, mooting, pro bono and other skills sessions (such as CV building and employment applications), which provide many opportunities to gain transferable skills and to meet and interact with potential employers.

3. Educational Aims of the Programme

1. To provide you with a thorough knowledge of the foundation subjects of English and EU law which meets the professional requirements for the academic stage of legal training, as determined by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board, and give you the opportunity to acquire and develop essential analytical, practice-facing and marketable transferable skills.
2. To enable you to extend your legal knowledge and understanding beyond the foundation subjects of English law by providing you with a basic knowledge and understanding of selected elements of legal practice and the professional ethics of the workplace.
3. To enable you to identify, locate and critically appraise English legal materials and those of another legal system.
4. To enable you to understand some of the major theoretical foundations of law and to evaluate them.
5. To enable you to understand law and its operation in its social, political, economic and legal practice contexts.
6. To develop your ability to undertake independent research and to apply comparatively the principles of law and legal rules in different common law jurisdictions as well as in a formal workplace setting.
7. To encourage you to reason logically, supporting the process with legal authority, academic commentary and by reference to other relevant materials.
8. To provide you with a comprehensive and integrated legal education through study on individual modules and through the complementary interaction of modules across the programme.
9. To provide you with insight into the practice and challenges of the practice of law through a professional legal placement.
10. To provide you with the necessary personal and key skills to enable you to develop as an independent, autonomous and reflective individual and generally as a developing professional.

4. Programme Structure

The placement year is taken in Stage 3 and is spent working in a firm, company or organisation with which the 
University of Exeter has partnership links. During the placement year you will be expected to complete assessments which in total amount to 120 credits.  

5. Programme Modules

The following tables describe the programme and constituent modules. Constituent modules may be updated, deleted or replaced as a consequence of the annual programme review of this programme.

Due to the qualifying nature of the Exeter LLB with Professional Legal Placement degree, no modules are condonable.

Stage 1

You will take four modules of 30 credits each. These four modules are:


Module Code





Legal Foundations





Criminal Law




Law of Contract




Constitutional and Administrative Law




Compulsory Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
LAW1036 Legal Foundations 30Yes
LAW1003 Criminal Law 30Yes
LAW1004 The Law of Contract 30Yes
LAW1035 Constitutional and Administrative Law 30Yes

Optional Modules


Stage 2

You will take three modules of 30 credits each. These modules are:

Module Code





Land Law




Law of Torts




Trusts Law





Module Code





European Union Law








European Union Law



And 15 Credits of option Modules to be taken from those offered in the Law School.

Stage 3

Your third year will be spent on legal work placement. Your workplace contract will be organised directly with your employer which is a partner organisation to the Law School. During your placement you will undertake modules equivalent 
to 120 credits. You will be required to show appropriate evidence of satisfactory attendance and performance during your placement. 

Compulsory Modules

LAW3701 Law Placement module – 120 credits

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
LAW3701 Law Placement 120Yes

Stage 4

Optional Modules

120 credits of optional modules

6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods

Intended Learning Outcomes
A: Specialised Subject Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

1. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of the theoretical, conceptual and practical features of the English legal system, its institutions and procedures (see Educational Aims - 1. above).
2. Demonstrate a competent knowledge and capacity reflect on the work of the legal organisation where you had your placement as well as, its procedures.
3. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the fundamental rules, theories, principles and conceptual framework of the seven foundation subjects of English and EU Law and of those optional legal subjects selected for study, as well as related academic opinion, (see Educational Aims - 1, above).
4. Follow and understand current developments in English law in the subjects of study and to have some appreciation of the current developments in the legal profession and the future of law (see Educational Aims - 1-3, above).
5. Research a legal question and demonstrate competence in applying legal knowledge in order to formulate and evaluate a response to it (see Educational Aims - 3, above).
6. Demonstrate competent understanding of some of the relevant legal practice, social, economic, political, historical, philosophical, ethical and cultural contexts within which the law operates in each of the jurisdictions studied (see Educational Aims - 1-3, above).

Subject knowledge and skills are acquired through lectures, student 
syndicate meetings and tutor-led seminars and surgeries; library tuition; 
essays; legal skills workshops, formative work, reflective learning and 

Unseen or seen examinations ILOs 1-6: for example, all compulsory modules involve an unseen examination; some optional modules involve a seen examination – see optional module details; 
Open/closed note examinations ILOs 1-6: for example, all stage one compulsory modules involve a closed note examination; some stage three optional modules involve an open note examination – see optional module details; 
Assessed essays ILOs 1-6: for example all stage two compulsory modules involve an assessed essay; some stage three optional modules also involve assessed essays – see optional module details; 
 Dissertation ILOs 1-6: writing a dissertation is an option in stage three; there is also a shorter Research Paper option; 
 Assessment of legal skills ILOs 1-6: this runs through all Law modules, but the English law-facing skills are especially emphasised in the stage one compulsory Legal Foundations module.

. Business report writing ILOs 1 – 6 e.g. as part of the Law Placement module.

Intended Learning Outcomes
B: Academic Discipline Core Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

7. Identify, locate, retrieve and evaluate efficiently English and selected foreign legal and other relevant information in paper, electronic and online form, with minimum guidance.
8. Use theoretical legal knowledge to provide practical advice and imaginative solutions to particular problems, independently and effectively.
9. Work independently to synthesise information from a number of primary and secondary legal and other sources; appreciate their relative value; and separate the relevant from the peripheral.
10. Make an independent and effective critical judgement about the merits of particular arguments and make reasoned choices between alternative solutions or arguments.
11. Communicate technical legal information and argument effectively and concisely, orally and in writing, in a manner appropriate to the discipline and in task-specific ways

Essays; lectures; syndicate meetings, seminars, legal skills workshops and formative work

 Essays / coursework ILOs 7-11: for example, the compulsory stage 
two Land Law module involves an assessed essay; all stage two compulsory 
modules involve an assessed essay; some stage three optional modules also 
involve assessed essays – see optional module details; 

Legal skills ILOs 7-11: developing legal skills runs through all Law modules, but 
this is especially emphasised in the stage one compulsory Legal Foundations 

Oral presentations require you to put across your arguments clearly and 
concisely ILOs 7-11: all syndicate meetings, seminars and other workshops, as well 
as assessed presentations, require you to do this – particular examples include 
the assessed presentations in Legal Foundations and all compulsory module 
seminars to which students are expected to contribute; 

Examinations often contain a large element aimed at testing ability to 
separate the relevant from the irrelevant. ILOs 7-11: this applies to all modules 
assessed by examination – see above.


Intended Learning Outcomes
C: Personal/Transferable/Employment Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

12. Manage time effectively, plan activity and prioritise tasks by working to strict deadlines, and demonstrating an ability to work under pressure.
13. Work and interact effectively and proactively in a group, share information and ideas, and manage related practical matters.
14. Work independently, managing your time and learning resources, and developing appropriate task-specific strategies.
15. Communicate clear and reasoned arguments, accurately and effectively, in both oral and written form.
16. Reflect on, evaluate and assess own learning and ability autonomously, and where necessary proactively seek and make effective use of advice and feedback.
17. Identify, retrieve and use, independently and efficiently, a range of library-based and electronic resources with minimum guidance.
18. Apply appropriate strategies for solving conceptual and practical problems, making critical judgements and choosing autonomously between alternative solutions and arguments.
19. Reflect comparatively and in an effective way on legal learning in two jurisdictions.

Key skills are an integral part of the degree programme. Particular 
aspects of the programme focus on personal and key skills development. Syndicate 
meetings and seminars encourage students to work independently and in groups 
with the aim of presenting and criticising materials in interesting and varied 
forms (ILOs 12-19),  Essays (ILOs
12,14-19); lectures (ILOs 12,14,15,18,19); legal skills workshops (ILOs 12,13, 14,15,16,18,19), 
Personal Development Planning and Personal Tutor meetings focus upon a student’s 
development of all key skills and their ability to reflect upon this and in 
particular ILO 16).

Examinations (ILOs 12,14,15,16,18,19): this applies to all modules assessed by examination – see above.

Assessed Essays (ILOs 12,14,15,16,17,18,19): this applies to all modules assessed by essay – see above.

Oral presentations (ILOs 12,14,15,16,17,18,19): this applies to all modules involving oral contributions and assessed presentations – see above.

7. Programme Regulations

Assessment at stage one does not contribute to the summative 
classification of the award. The award will normally be based on the degree 
mark formed from the credit weighted average marks for stages 2, 3 and 4 
combined in the ratio 4:2:8 respectively.


Full details of assessment regulations for all taught programmes can be found in the TQA Manual, specifically in the Credit and Qualifications Framework, and the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook. Additional information, including Generic Marking Criteria, can be found in the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook.

8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning

Personal and Academic tutoring: It is University policy that all Colleges should have in place a system of academic and personal tutors. The role of academic tutors is to support you on individual modules; the role of personal tutors is to provide you with advice and support for the duration of the programme and extends to providing you with details of how to obtain support and guidance on personal difficulties such as accommodation, financial difficulties and sickness. You can also make an appointment to see individual teaching staff.

As an undergraduate student in the College of Social Sciences and International Studies you will be allocated a Personal Tutor at the commencement of your studies. In normal circumstances your Personal Tutor will remain your tutor throughout your study programme. Your Personal Tutor is normally available through scheduled office hours, but should also see you as a matter of course three or four times a year (depending on your year of study); these meetings may typically commence soon after registration. These meetings will take place once or twice mid-year to discuss your progress and to perhaps consider Personal Development Planning (ePDP) and once to discuss your overall performance. The ePDP is a particularly useful developmental tool which you are encouraged to utilize and which is accessible though the Exeter Learning Environment (ELE).

You should feel that you are able to approach your personal tutor for advice, pastoral support or academic support in a wider sense.

Library, ELE and other resources provided to support this programme:  
The Library offers you core services for learning and research. Whilst the various locations house a large collection of materials and services, many of our resources are available online through this website for you to use at home, work or wherever you are located for your study. Each discipline has a subject librarian on hand to help you to find resources and we also work with tutors to digitize reading lists for inclusion in the Exeter Learning Environment (ELE).

Exeter Learning Environment (ELE) is used throughout the University to make course materials available online. You will be able to access module information, presentations, handouts, reading materials as well as interacting with other students and your tutors. Many tutors use ELE to run assessments and set coursework assignments. In addition to the materials provided by your tutors, there are various other resources available on ELE to help you in your studies, for example, you will be able to access your ePDP, the University’s online PDP system, which has been developed to help you keep an ongoing record of your academic, work and extra-curricular experiences, and help you develop action plans and personal statements.

The University provides a range of IT services, including open and training clusters of PCs (available on a 24/7 basis). In the Social Sciences and International Studies College this includes a 24/7 suite in Amory, based in the Law Library and a second one in the St Luke’s Campus Library. These suites are accessible by swiping your university card. The majority of the College also has access to the university’s wireless network. Network access is available from the majority of rooms in University halls of residence through the ResNet system.

At St Luke’s there is also a college-based open access suite (South Cloisters 14) providing access to another 20 machines. Entry is again made by use of your university card and it is open from 8.30am to 7pm Monday to Friday.

All of these suites have the standard ‘palms’ printing systems in them (printing from credit held on your university card). At the St Luke’s Campus there is also a cash-based printing service at the GSE Print Unit based in South Cloisters.

Please see link below for further information on the IT Services facilities on the Exeter Campuses:

Helpdesks are maintained on the Streatham and Cornwall campuses.

9. University Support for Students and Students' Learning

Please refer to the University Academic Policy and Standards guidelines regarding support for students and students' learning.

10. Admissions Criteria

Undergraduate applicants must satisfy the Undergraduate Admissions Policy of the University of Exeter.

Postgraduate applicants must satisfy the Postgraduate Admissions Policy of the University of Exeter.

Specific requirements required to enrol on this programme are available at the respective Undergraduate or Postgraduate Study Site webpages.

11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards

Each academic programme in the University is subject to an agreed College assessment and marking strategy, underpinned by institution-wide assessment procedures.

The security of assessment and academic standards is further supported through the appointment of External Examiners for each programme. External Examiners have access to draft papers, course work and examination scripts. They are required to attend the Board of Examiners and to provide an annual report. Annual External Examiner reports are monitored at both College and University level. Their responsibilities are described in the University's code of practice. See the University's TQA Manual for details.

(Programme specific:  

- Annual Programme and Module reviews (Education Management Committee) (College 
Education Strategy Group)  

- Student questionnaires (Director of Education)   

- Module accreditation (Director of Education) (College Education Strategy 

- Probation for new staff (PCAP)  

- Staff appraisal (PDR)  

- Peer teaching observation 

13. Methods for Evaluating and Improving Quality and Standards

The University and its constituent Colleges review the quality and standard of teaching and learning in all taught programmes against a range of criteria through the procedures outlined in the Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA) Manual Quality Review Framework.

14. Awarding Institution

University of Exeter

15. Lead College / Teaching Institution

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS)

16. Partner College / Institution

Partner College(s)

Not applicable to this programme

Partner Institution

Reed Smith Other organisations from 09/2018

17. Programme Accredited / Validated by


18. Final Award

LLB Law with Industrial Placement

19. UCAS Code

Not applicable to this programme.

20. NQF Level of Final Award

6 (Honours)

21. Credit

CATS credits


ECTS credits


22. QAA Subject Benchmarking Group

[Honours] Law

23. Dates

Origin Date Date of last revision