Hotel and restaurant offers for Open Day guests - Penryn campus
Each partner hotel below has provided a short paragraph about their facilities and services, information about their offer and how to make your booking.
10% off stay
Special instructions / codes needed to receive offer
To book, please call 01326 312 440 quoting 'Exeter Open Day'
For further information visit the Green Bank Hotel website
10 percent off room
Special instructions / codes needed to receive offer
Use the code UNI10 on our Website when booking
10% off room with code below, extra 10% off if you sign up for newsletter.
Special instructions / codes needed to receive offer
Once you place their search dates on the site, you will need to enter the code on top right hand side.
Code – EXU24
10% off stay
Visit the Alverton website for more information about the accommodation
Special instructions / codes needed to receive offer
Reference Exeter Open Day when booking. All bookings to be made by phone.
10% discount on rooms.
Special instructions to receive offer
For further information visit the Penmorvah Manor Hotel.
Can’t be used in conjunction with any other offers.
10 percent off room rate
Special instructions / codes needed to receive offer
Use this code – EXETER when booking online.
For further information visit the Royal Duchy Hotel
10% off food and drink (non inclusive of any other promotion or discount)
Special instructions / codes needed to receive offer
Guests to write WELCOME2024 in notes box when making booking online and just mention Uni Open Day if booking via phone
10% off food and drink (non inclusive of any other promotion or discount)
Special instructions / codes needed to receive offer
Guests to write WELCOME2024 in notes box when making booking online and just mention Uni Open Day if booking via phone
10% off food and drink (non inclusive of any other promotion or discount)
Special instructions / codes needed to receive offer
Guests to write WELCOME2024 in notes box when making booking online and just mention Uni Open Day if booking via phone
10% discount offered.
Special instructions / codes needed to receive offer
Use WELCOME2024 in notes when making a booking.
The hotel operators and/or hotels listed on this page are not agents of, or affiliated in any manner to, the University of Exeter.
If you choose to use the special promotional discounts listed on this page you acknowledge and understand that your relationship will be direct with the hotel operator and/or hotel.
The University disclaims any responsibility for, and will not be held liable for:
- the acts, errors, omissions, representations, warranties, breaches or negligence whatsoever of any of the hotel operators and/or hotel: or
- any personal injuries, death, property damage or other damages or expenses, which result from your stay at any of the hotels or use of the special promotional discounts listed.