University Regulation and Policy

The University's main rules and regulations can be found in either the University Calendar, or the University's Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA) manual. The following areas are covered here:

  • The Calendar
  • General Regulations for Students
  • The Teaching Quality Assurance Manual

The Calendar

The Calendar contains the following student regulations:

The Calendar also includes the regulations governing the University's programmes, the University terms, details of the governance of the University, prizes and scholarships, and fees.

General Regulations for Students

The University requires students to follow a set of general regulations as a condition of registration. These regulations cover important areas such as:

  • attendance
  • registration
  • general conduct
  • academic conduct
  • academic progress
  • fees, charges, dues and fines

For the full regulations please visit the General Regulations for Students in the Calendar.

Teaching Quality Assurance Manual (TQA Manual)

The Teaching Quality Assurance manual (TQA Manual) acts as the central repository of the processes that underpin the University's approach to the management of quality. It details a range of procedures and codes of good practice that help to order the University's approach to quality assurance.