University of Exeter and Cornwall Museums Partnership host unique networking event in Penryn

The collaborative event was the first step in museums and heritage organisations forming closer relationships with academics to best improve and share the knowledge of Cornish collections.

Cornwall Museums Partnership and the University of Exeter hosted the Collaboration and Opportunities in the Heritage Sector Celebration Event at the University’s Penryn Campus on Thursday 27 September.

Held at the Exchange building, the 70 attendees had the chance to find out about the focus and interests of the University’s academics. Visitors were also able to view the collections the Cornwall Museums Partnership looks after in the county.

Professor Sally Faulkner, Associate Dean for International Development, said: “This was an extremely well-attended event, where all present shared a desire to collaborate to deepen current partnerships and develop new ones in Cornwall.”

Emmie Kell, from the Cornwall Museums Partnership, said: “Unlocking the potential of Cornwall’s museums for the benefit of everyone in Cornwall is our mission.

“We are delighted that our collaboration with the University of Exeter will help us to shed new light on Cornwall’s unique heritage and help our museums to thrive for many years to come.”

The event also saw the launch of the University’s MA programme in International Heritage Management and Consultancy.

“Also present were the 12 Masters students who are the first to study the new College of Humanities MA. Many of these students will themselves be completing work placements with the museums that were represented at the event,” said Professor Faulkner.

Jamie Hampson, lead for the Heritage MA launch, said: "The students on the new MA course were pleased to meet so many inspirational people from the Cornwall Museums Partnership at the event on Penryn campus.

“The heritage sector organisations and the MA students reported that they very much look forward to working together during the spring term Placement Module, and also in other exciting collaborative projects throughout the year."

After the event, all participants were also invited to Taxonomy and Biodiversity, an exhibition by Cornish artist Kurt Jackson. As well as celebrating his painting, attendees were able to meet Jackson and listen to a poem he wrote to accompany the painting.