A new grant aims to encourage medical and dental students to gain research experience

Students inspired to engage with research

Medical Schools across the South West have teamed up to offer a scheme which aims to foster a research culture among doctors and dentists entering the NHS.

The University of Exeter Medical School (UEMS) is part of a collaboration to win a £10,000.  Matched-funding has boosted the total to £20,000.

The grant will help students to obtain experience of research and will involve opportunities to observe research groups in the region. The money will fund four summer studentships over two years, to be split between UEMS and Plymouth University Peninsula School of Medicine and Dentistry. It will also pay for a conference for junior doctors and students to present their research.

The £1 million, five-year  scheme, called INSPIRE, is funded by the Wellcome Trust, and aims to encourage medical and dental undergraduates to pursue scientific research.

Dr Tamsin Ford, of  UEMS, said: "Our bid involves exciting opportunities for our students to spend a day observing the work of clinical academics in action across the peninsula and beyond to Bristol and Cardiff medical schools, as well as a conference for medical students and junior clinical academics to show case their work and a website to celebrate their achievements such as presentations at national and regional conferences and publications in peer reviewed journals."

Scientist image via Shuttertock.

Date: 20 February 2013