Centre for Middle East Politics
The Centre for Middle East Politics (C-MEP) is a cross-departmental and multi-disciplinary centre addressing issues in Middle East Politics past and present. Together C-MEP members span most countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) as well as a broad range of topics, including – but not limited to - electoral politics, tribalism, gender studies, colonial studies, democratization and security. Furthermore, C-MEP research covers not only present-day politics of the MENA, but also the colonial era and the time before that, delving far back into history with a view to contribute to our understanding of past political events and processes, but also to help us comprehend current MENA affairs.
The rich expertise and academic calibre of the C-MEP staff body is reflected in the programmes of study housed within the Centre and the high-quality research produced by C-MEP members, both staff and students.