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Ethnic groups in the Russian labour market

1 September 2016 - 31 August 2019

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Awarded to: Professor  Alexey Bessudnov

Research partners: Dr Andrey Shcherbak, St Petersburg

Funding awarded to Exeter £ 17,075

Sponsor(s): British Academy

About the project

Together with Andrey Shcherbak from the HSE St Petersburg we conducted the first audit study of ethnic discrimination in the Russian labour market. We have sent over 9,000 job applications in four Russian cities to explore the differences in response rates across 10 ethnic groups. The project has been supported by the British Academy and the HSE as part of the International Mobility and Partnership scheme.

The results are now available as a working paper:

A.Bessudnov & A.Shcherbak. (2018). “Ethnic hierarchy in the Russian labour market: A field experiment”. SocArXiv. 16 October. doi:10.31235/

British Academy