Centre for Hellenistic and Later Greek Studies

Centre for Hellenistic and Later Greek Studies

The Centre for Hellenistic and Later Greek Studies supports and promotes research on the Greek world in its Afro-Eurasian context from the death of Alexander the Great to Late Antiquity. Current research interests include Old Macedonia and the Hellenistic dynasties, Hellenistic palaces, Hellenistic, Imperial and late-Antique Greek historiography and literature, cultural interactions between Greeks and Romans in Late Antiquity, and the impact of Greek culture on the ancient and modern world.

Originally named the Centre for Hellenistic and Romano-Greek Culture and Society, the Centre was set up in 2001 with a £1.25 million grant from the Leverhulme Trust. Between 2003 and 2007, it hosted a major AHRC-funded project on pagan monotheism headed by Prof. Stephen Mitchell and supported various projects on ancient medicine, Alexander the Great and monarchical studies, prose literature and philosophy of the Imperial period, and Black Sea history. In 2010, a grant of more than £500K from the A.G. Leventis Foundation advanced the Centre’s work on the impact of Greek Culture on non-Greek cultures, ancient healthcare and modern wellbeing, and the heritage of Hellenism. Since 2018, the Centre has been the home of the Antigonid Network and Connecting Late Antiquities projects and hosted various events organised by both academics and students.

In 2023, the Centre was renamed The Centre for Hellenistic and Later Greek Studies to better reflect the changing research interests of its members. Read through our web pages to find out more about the Centre's research projects and events, many of which have been generously funded by The A.G. Leventis Foundation over the past 25 years. Our staff have also published a wide range of books and articles related to our research.